WIP Wednesday

Some reading, some progress on my cardigan after yet another knitting break.


Unfortunately I went through these books much too fast and now I’m without fiction again. I’ve finally begun working on the window casings in the stoodio, after much thinking, dragging of feet, and initial experimenting, but the body says it would like to spend the day on the sofa, so a bit of light reading would have been nice; Peter Collingwood’s 500 page A4 sized bible on tablet weaving not so much. 😉

kate mosse

So I’m a little bit restless, I’ve made a cat design in iWeaveit, you know, in case I want to make “crazy cat lady’s dish towels” some day, I’ve carefully avoided mending a horse blanket because I’m unsure how to go about it (much like the window casings), and now wondering what else I can do that will rest my back, so I can abuse it again tomorrow…


8 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday

    1. I’m certainly never bored, it’s only an eternal debate between body and mind whether we’re going to sit still or not. 😉

  1. I’m on my way to the library today, to find some engaging fiction. The pile of “serious reading” is huge and I keep heading back to the murder mysteries!

  2. Jeg kender det der med at læse bøger for hurtigt. Kender du denne tankerække: “Nu stiller jeg lige denne her bog hen pÃ¥ plads, sÃ¥ kan jeg læse videre. NÃ¥h nej, det kan jeg jo netop ikke – Øv jeg er slet ikke færdig med den bog endnu…”

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