Some garden progress

Some strawberries moved, some liberated from the worst crud. And a couple of struggling asparagus.

The other day as I began weeding, after running the sprinkler half a day (we hardly got any rain at all), I was attacked by a swarm of tiny flies. It was truly a whole cloud of them and only while I was working the soil, nowhere else in the garden, not from just wandering around for a looksee. I wonder what’s up with that.

The good news is, I didn’t get a head- and back ache the day after. My exercises must be working even though I don’t feel particularly stronger. Not that I’m in any danger of running amok and digging up the whole lot in a day, in fact this is good speed for being only May.

5 thoughts on “Some garden progress

  1. Tillykke med havearbejdet og manglende følger! Angreb af skyer af sorte fluer … de prøver mÃ¥ske at beskytte dig mod dig selv 😉 Dine asparges er større og flottere end mine, men de blev ogsÃ¥ skammeligt fprsømt sidste Ã¥r.

    1. Ægtemanden kalder dem “blogfluer” eftersom vi for første gang nogen sinde blev overfaldet af mini-fluer medens vi lavede havearbejde i gÃ¥r!

      1. Jeg er glad hvis de er flyttet, men beklager meget at de tog hele vejen til nordsjælland! 😀

  2. I do love gardening vicariously through my Northern Hemisphere friends. Your Spring is exciting, (asparagus & strawberries!). Those raised garden beds look fab too. Happy gardening! x

    1. I have to admit that gardening is more of an ideal for me than a real passion. As in, I wish I had the proper amount of energy to put into it but I don’t put it first on my list. Also, there’s not a lot of fun in growing and preserving food when you’re the only one in the household that cares! But all the same, I wouldn’t want to be without it and I love browsing through garden books with lush pictures much like some people are addicted to cook books.

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