Cat ladies

For various reasons, the lost girls could not remain where they were found, so 10 days ago they were added to our herd. And now I have double the number of cats I was aiming for… They’ve settled in well, feeling safe around any humans they meet apparently.

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The big boys are uncertain about what to do with such dainty little things; getting to know each other is usually a bit stressful for cats, but Leo is trying his best to be friendly. If only he wasn’t such a bulldozer! Old Hannibal just pretends to ignore them.

Otherwise I’m not doing very much of anything these days, but I’m definitely entertained.

13 thoughts on “Cat ladies

  1. Oh, those faces!! The new two are adorable–I do love a calico! And I’m glad to hear that the socialization is going fine among the older and the new. As you know, I’m going thru all this, too, and am finally beginning to feel like it’s going to work out. Enjoy them all!

    1. It’s mainly Emil who’s being very prejudiced now, I think the others will come round. We’ll see what happens after the usual 2 week mark, that seems to be the magic turning point here most often.

    1. Thanks 🙂 I don’t have the energy that a new dog would require just now, so I’ll have to stick with rodent controllers instead.

  2. They’re so pretty. As you maybe know, I’m more a dog than a cat person, but these new little ladies of yours are just adorable (just as Leo and Hannibal are handsome chaps, of course).

    1. I’m really more of a dog person too, but even 6 cats are lower maintenance than one dog and I don’t have the strength just now. And cats actually have very distinct and fun personalities as well. It’s interesting living with creatures that don’t let you dictate them as a labrador would!

  3. Lucky little ladies! They are so cute. xxx

    P.S. Please let me know a little bit more about that magic number. I’m referring to the “number of cats I was aiming for…”. (Many years ago mine was 1; at the moment the actual situation equals to 5, but at its “best” it had risen even to 7…)

    1. I think it’s futile to make plans about cats. I was content with 3 mousers + the senior, who wasn’t to be replaced. But someone must have been listening to my laments about not having anyone to cuddle once he’s gone, as the other boys have their very special weird ways and terms for that. Also, this house seems to require a red cat, I never had one, so various annoying strays have been frequenting the premises over the years, always ginger. I hope the new tortie girl will be enough!

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