September sunrise challenge

Did anyone remember to get outside at dawn with your cameras? I remembered, but have also been extra tired with that new back problem of mine (which is slowly improving to my normal state of wonky I’m happy to report). And right now I’ve got a cold, but! I did manage a short morning dawdle yesterday on the brink of our deadline. And I’ll keep at it for as long as the theme amuses me. I’ve been thinking of doing some “around the season round the block” kind of projects, actually. Like the view from my new studio windows…

Would be fun if you posted your dawn images (don’t be shy if you’re late) somewhere and added a link in the comments! I have moderation on for links, so don’t worry if they don’t appear instantly.

My own contribution will be just the raw snapshots, photoshopping is for rainy days. And we’ve been having such lovely days, just like early autumn is supposed to be in my book, sunny and calm. And pretty fog at sunrise, also making everything quite wet, so I haven’t ventured far from the house yet in the tall grasses.

And we have our first contribution already:

16 thoughts on “September sunrise challenge

  1. Wow, nogle flotte billeder. PƃĀ„ denne ƃĀ„rstid er der altsƃĀ„ noget ved at have en udsigt!

    1. Tak. šŸ™‚ Det er virkelig en gave med sƃĀ„danne herligheder lige udenfor vinduerne! SƃĀ„ kan kƃĀøvenhavnerne beholde deres sushibarer og andet skrammel….

  2. I simply love your dawn photos! I really like that time of day and the haze and quiet atmosphere. I once took some photos of a dawn on the west coast round my holiday house and the sand dunes. The morning mist just slowly revealed the chimneys, top of trees, then roofs, then more and more. Aw, it was such a lovely experience, and not easy to catch on a normal amateur camera!

    1. Thank you. We just switched to “winter time” which means dawn happens an hour earlier according to the clocks.

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