
I’ve given up remembering my unfinished writing projects from last week, so I’m doing various photo things, camera and Shop, in between watching the circus. Luckily they do take quite a few naps!

I actually need/want to take some photo trips for naked trees, but ugh, the cold and weather prevents me as well as roads being diffícult to stop along and park sometimes, without being in someone’s way – I want the vistas, not the forest this time. Everything is cultivated right up to the edge of the hard top, and you can’t just walk in somebody’s field, not even on the borders. They’re pretty a*** about it here and I hate this. I dream of being able to walk half the day with my camera without wearing a traffic safety vest!

Today it’s foggy, so it’s not even optional for the shots I want. I guess I’ll be kitten spamming you all week instead.

12 thoughts on “Antics

  1. most people are not so stringent here where I live. I can walk around nearly anywhere and take photos. But I live in the country and there are large expanses of land. Your chance of encountering someone is rare and even rarer that they should be upset. So I snap pics often. I’m saddened that you are unable to do the same. But I do like seeing pics of your kitties! 🙂

    1. This is pretty much as rural as it gets, but everywhere is densely populated. Very few places exist where you can’t see at least one house if you look across the landscape. And no state forests etc. in this area. The view is pretty, but usually you have deep ditches along the roads, nowhere to just pull over if you see the perfect tree or cloud. No footpaths.

  2. Jeg forstÃ¥r dine kvaler med at fÃ¥ lov til at fottografere træer. Der er sÃ¥ miange smukke træer, der bareskriger pÃ¥ at blive portrætteret. Men man kan ikke komme derhen! Forleden havde jeg nær tryukket i nødbremsen i tpget, smuk, flammende solnedgang over marker, hvor furerne kunne ses i den nedgÃ¥ende sol – og sÃ¥ træer … suk. Helt perfekt motiv, der nu kun findes for evigt i min hjerne. Det Ã¥r, vi tilbragte i Tyskland, hvor der var masser af cykelstier, tog jeg oceaner af træbolleder. Jeg mÃ¥ vist til at scanne nogen af dem – blandt andet et billede hver mÃ¥ned af det samme træ fra det samme sted.

    PS. Undskyld stave- og slagfejl, jeg var hos øjenlægen og fik dryppet øjnene, det hele er sløret 🙂

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