

I’m not intending for this to become a cooking blog, but I thought I’d share a few recipes I’ve stumbled across lately, to show my appreciation that other people blog about delicious food and well, to share with those of you who like food.

Also, it’s a way for me to remember the links and not lose them among my bookmarks šŸ˜‰

Chive blossom dressing

Almond meal glutenfree crackers

My absolute favourite for old bananas – it’s in Danish but perhaps you can do a Google translate thingy on it? Add cinnamon or cocoa, oatmeal (they get a bit soggy the day after), glutenfree flour, lots of things work. They may end up a little flatter, but the spicyness of the brown sugar (muscovado?) is awesome.

Kale and strawberries. Now, this sounds lovely, but when are the two ever in season together??!

Massage your kale

I’ve managed to grow a few things in the garden this year, this time I’m starting out slow with a few things instead of trying to plant a whole field of clay at once. So I may in fact become more cooking oriented as time passes. I’d love to study herblore, both for food and medicinal purposes. But that will be in another lifetime or my head will explode.

And finally, I got a lovely recipe for paleo bread at a family gathering on Sunday:

  • 500 g assorted nuts, seeds or gluten free muesli
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 dl oil
  • 2 tsp. salt

Grind nuts as finely or coarsely as you like, perhaps roast them first. Add the rest, bake in bread mold for one hour at 160ƂĀ° C. Tastes good fresh or toasted. And I bet you can add herbs or other spices too. Nigella on top perhaps?

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