Exercise update

Just thought I’d let you in on how I was doing with my self torture project of becoming slightly fitter: I’m still at it, I’m pleased to say. I can do brisk 1 hour walks most days of the week now, and without my hips or knees crying halfway through, pulse down from 150 to 130; or 20 min on the crosstrainer at level 5 (started out at 2-3, 10 minutes). Physical antics leave me pretty exhausted most days, and sweaty as a galley slave. Sometimes I simply do short bursts at a very high setting for 5 minutes, then collapse on the floor panting, but not as dripping wet.

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A housewifely day

This being another dark, rainy sort of day, nourishing the approaching summer and my salad boxes, I’m inside pretending to be useful, rather than lounging with a book in the hammock. Wait, it’s been so cold we didn’t even put that out yet!

Making jam and buttermilk bread.

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Little green wonders: Carrots

I remember sowing some carrots this summer, but then the dry, hot weather, my back and other issues, my laissez-faire attitude about growing what can grow and not spend too much paid water, simply made me forget because for a long time nothing much happened. And we all know how thistles and such will thrive under any weather conditions, so I’d given up on them.

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Little green wonders: Potatoes

Just a promised update on those baking potatoes that I threw in the manure/compost no-dig beds and which have produced such and abundance of leaves over the summer, no water, no care at all.

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