Loosen up your painting style

New class by Tara Leaver – check it out if you want to get more playful with your art.

I’ve participated in another of her courses and keep returning for inspiration, as you have unlimited access once you buy it. The Charcoal class is on my list too! Well, right now I’m just waffling through life, but eventually I hope/expect to find a way back to myself and the studio.

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How To Go Viral

A very timely post on many levels, one of them being how I’m not really posting here at the moment.

I have been instagramming a bit, so you could always scoot over there to have a look, you can view and comment even on a PC.

Anyway, I recommend Sarah’s list on how to “go viral” (it may not be what you think it is). This was my favourite of her suggestions and wise words:

Continue reading “How To Go Viral”

Eco-fashion’s Inconvenient Truth – About ethical clothing and sustainability

When you put on a vegan jacket made of viscose or recycled plastic, are you sure you’re helping the planet more than if you bought one made of leather?

Source: Eco-fashion’s Inconvenient Truth – About ethical clothing and sustainability

Inspirations 10

It’s been a while since we had one of these posts! In fact this has been sitting as a draft for a year today exactly. So I’ll release it into the wild with one newly found link as well as the ones I found last year.

Quirky woven baskets


Quirky New Chalk Characters

Plastered plants with a How To

Surreal creatures

Japanese spinning tops

How Thinking Like a Little Kid Can Keep You Sharp As You Age

As we get older, we focus more on specialized knowledge than broader learning. A new paper argues that’s slowing us down.

Well, I may be deluding myself of course, but I feel every bit as sharp as I did 30 years ago. If I needed to learn a new language for example, I’d assume I could just go ahead and do so. How about you?

Source: How Thinking Like a Little Kid Can Keep You Sharp As You Age — Science of Us