Point and shoot 3

Despite cold winds and rain, nature persists in getting on with spring. Last weekend was fabulous which also meant catching up on some outdoors jobs before the next storm, but I managed an ultra short “blind” photo session (as in “I can’t see a bloody thing on the display in this light”) to remind me that sweater and woodstove days will eventually be over.

Today I noticed the rape seed fields are blooming, which means I’ll be scanning the skyline soon for a very longterm project that I’ve pondered for a while but finally begun to organize at least. Too windy and chilly today however and not enough sun. Hopefully it’s still happening when my back has recovered from last weekend!

How is spring coming along in your part of the world? (or autumn, if that’s the case)

9 thoughts on “Point and shoot 3

  1. Spring here is dragging its heels! After a few unusually warm February weeks, the weather was generally, damp, wet, cold, nasty…Things are blooming now. We even need to mow the lawn! The temps are still in the 50’s for the most part. No garden planting til the end of May in Wisconsin!

    1. Oh yes, grass is exploding here too, my pony had a bit too much just trimming under the fence of his paddock, so now we’re testing for EMS (Equine diabetes, basically).

  2. Ih, altså. Du tager vel nok gode billeder af foråret. Hvad hedder det flotte træ på billede 5 og 6?
    Nysgerrige mig undrer mig selvfølgelig over et projekt, der indbefatter blomstrende rapsmarker – skal du have bier 😉
    ForÃ¥ret her er ca. 10 dage bagud i forhold til dig. SÃ¥ det kommer … Det er godt at høre fra dig igen.

    1. Tak! Busken er en bærmispel – variant “lamarckii”. Den har kun kobberfarvede blade mens den springer ud, grøn om sommeren og farvet igen om efterÃ¥ret. Synes endnu ikke jeg har set bær pÃ¥, men enten har jeg glemt at kigge eller ogsÃ¥ æder fuglene dem.

      Ingen bier – det er et male, foto + skriveprojekt.

  3. I think our spring is in about the same place as yours is, but it seems we may be turning a corner in the next few days. The yellow of the rape seed is spectacular!

    1. Looks like we are in the double digits now! about 15-17 C when the sun is out – big brown pony has finally been let out of his blanket even at night.

  4. Oh, how I would love to have your cool, rainy weather. It’s hot here in Amman, and so uncomfortable. Lots of dust in the air and virtually no wind today. We had a fairly dry winter, so this summer will be a challenge.

    All the grass that grew over the winter is gone, and even the hens are panting. This is weaving and spinning weather, inside and out of the hot sun.

    1. If the chooks are panting in May, it’s going to be one hell of a summer!! I can see why you would do the opposite of us, hiding behind cool walls all summer and emerging in winter. Are your house walls built for it? I bet they did in old times, but how about modern materials?

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