Play with me?

What’s hiding or/and forgotten in the grass?

Make me a list! I’ll let you in on the purpose later.

If I pick your idea, there may be a prize …

And because I can’t stand making imageless posts, Happy Birthday to my old girl Molly, who is 12 years today.

Molly Sheppador
1 month old

20 thoughts on “Play with me?

  1. Yesterday, while walking, I found hiding in the grass:

    An arrow, missing its nock
    A toad, missing its mate
    Cotyledons emerging, missing true leaves
    A plastic toy bug, missing its head
    A stick covered in lichen, missing its tree

    Happy birthday, Molly!

  2. I the grass in our garden you would almost certainly find: spikes, a knife, some halw melted sweets, a teaspoon or two, lots of twigs and branches, Dandelions with bees in them, thistles and daisies. Rusty nuts and bolts, bark from a birch tree, spilled sugar, and maybe a coin of foreign denomination.
    Oops, I did it again 😉
    Gider altså ikke skrive den svada igen på dansk.
    Jeg er super-nysgerrig efter hvad du dog vil med sådan en sær liste.

    1. Jeg havde faktisk kun forventet et enkelt forslag fra hver, ogsÃ¥ gerne fri fantasi, men en masse valgmuligheder er jo glimrende! 🙂

  3. What’s hiding in our grass? My 24-carat gold Chinese pendant which I lost about 6 years ago whilst cutting the grass – hiding, but not forgotten.

      1. I once had a golden finger ring which continually went missing. It was a birthday gift when I turned six or seven from my beloved granny (we were not super rich, my granny knew the goldsmith). I lost it swinging on a swing, practising jumping off at the top of the swing – and found it next summer while playing Alaskan gold digger with my sister. This ring and I had many similar adventures during the next 12 years.
        I lost it a final time in Istanbul, as I had placed it in my coverall pocket so as not to damage it while working at a motor repair. Somebody shook out my coverall – and the ring with it – into the street. It is lost for ever, and I hope somebody needy found it.

      2. Tried that . . . there were a couple of magpies hanging around at the time. It’s quite possible they took it.

  4. A happy belated birthday Molly
    Hiding in my grass…….what little grass we have in the garden is still partially hidden by icy patches of hard snow. Melting but still it isn’t quite spring yet. Sure the summer birds have started to come back….we spotted a pair of blue birds on wens…..but the ground is still frozen. Hiding in the my grass holding their breath waiting to be released from the icy breath of old man winter are tiny crocuses.

  5. oh my, Molly was and I’m sure still is adorable!! I had a black and white cat named Molly who lived to be seventeen. 🙂

    Forgotten in the grass? Hmm. I’ll guess a cement sculpture of some sort– when my mom was a kid, she and her brother and sister stole and buried their neighbors lawn sculpture. They couldn’t find it again. It’s still out there somewhere… maybe not in your yard though!

    1. Good suggestion – I should perhaps have mentioned, it did not have to be my grass, or anybody’s or even a yard, could be any grass and just in your imagination.

      Did they get in trouble about the ornament or is that a deep dark family secret? LOL.

  6. This is such a funny question for me. I live in the desert. There is no grass unless you cultivate a lawn, which is really difficulty. At least I don’t need to store, use or maintain a lawnmower. Hiding amongst the dirt might be snakes, scorpions and black widow spiders.

  7. Thanks everyone for your lovely contributions. None of them resonate quite for my current project, but they’ve been spawning other kinds of ideas on the side, so very useful nevertheless.

    I still haven’t found out what will hide in my grass, but I hope eventually the right idea floats by.

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