31 thoughts on “Ooopsie

  1. Ja det er da virkelig ups. Jeg ved godt, superwash er nemmere at farve, men jeg bryder mig ikke om den kemiske proces, der er involveret i at fremstilled et, så jeg undgår det helst.
    Hvad gør du nu? Det ligner en kjole, som det ligger det.

    1. Det var noget jeg købte for meget længe siden uden at være opmærksom på det var SW. Men det er ret træls at strikke med, trådene deler sig, så man hele tiden får spidsen af pinden ind mellem og det er ikke så kønt.

      Det er heldigvis ude i enden (du kan se frynserne til højre), jeg har klippet det af og zigzagget. Enten bliver det hæklet pÃ¥ igen uden den krympede strimmel, eller ogsÃ¥ gemmer jeg stumpen til et eller andet – en patchworkpude? Det vævede skal jo alligevel klippes op og sættes sammen tre baner ved siden af hinanden, lige nu er det 50×400 cm. Sommerslumremeditationstæppe – det blæser altid i vores have, ogsÃ¥ nÃ¥r soltemperaturen er ok kan jeg fÃ¥ lidt gÃ¥sehud.

      1. Et slumretæppe OG en pude, jo det lyder fint. Godt at du er blevet gammel og vis nok til at se mulighederne i tingene. Jeg føler mig helt ung, for jeg er vist ikke løbet tør for store bogstaver endnu 😉

    1. Yes, I’ll have to remember this and use in future projects! All sorts of fun could be had with it. Controlled or otherwise…

    1. I’m very proud of myself in fact. I went straight from “Oh!?” into problem solving mode without going ballistic! 😉

    1. Well, I’ve been known to do that. Or just throw it on the floor and storm out of the room. I must be growing old and mellow….

  2. Oh goodness……..the colors are grand and I am sure it is still a wonderful wrap. Just saw your request for buttons, I will go through my grandmothers button stash and see what I can come up with. Do you have a favorite type ?

    1. That would be fabulous. As for favourites, well, many. I like old, quirky, unusual, big, small, decorated, wood, metal, I like variety I guess. Standard plastic buttons that you get with anything can even be used in layers on top of bigger ones, colour themes, I have an array of possible projects. I have some old coins and some sea glass that I want to drill holes in. Jeans buttons and newer stuff with logos on are not as interesting I guess, also not baby buttons unless they’re exceptional. I like organic shapes a lot.

      1. Heelo Pia, I will check through my stash here and keep an eye out for others……I love hearing about your creative projects.I think there should be time everyday for making art. It does my soul good to keep a creative element to my everyday……even if it is a quick sketch or a poem written, something from that creative side of my brain that needs attention. Will keep you posted about button finds. Be well, denise

    1. Well, I’ll certainly keep it in mind for future designs! I’ll post the result when I’m done.

      1. I agree that it looks intentional. As am not well versed in the world of fibers, I honestly had no idea what happened…? But after reading through comments I have more of an idea now. It doesn’t look bad at all. Good to hear that it can be saved too.

        1. Normal wool shrinks and felts on a regular cycle in the washing machine. Superwash yarn has been treated, so you can both wash and tumble dry it.

          All my yarns were the same brand superwash, except one little red ball which LOOKED just like the rest!

          1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
            Thanks for the explanation!
            It still looks intentional to me. And beautiful.

            p.s. just got your letter! Thanks SOOOOOO much, I just adore the abalone pendant, it’s PERFECT for some jewelry making I’m getting into! Yay, made my day!!

          2. Can’t wait to see your new jewellery! I don’t use any, really, but I do like to look, especially non-commercial stuff, handmade and unique.

  3. I thought of curtains too – or could it be made into a top, with the cinched-in area as the waist?
    I know you will come up with something great!

    1. I’d have to extend the fabric on one side, since there was not enough to cover me in either top or bottom direction. 😉 And then of course no cinched fabric for the other half (and a bit – that was a “tad” less than half a waist, cough)

      I haven’t been super creative I have to admit, I just cut it off and will continue with my blanket plan.

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