All the things?

Well, a lot anyway. I’m in a decluttering kinda mood, and beware who tries to stand in my way!

singer01I totally tidied the spare room, so that it’s now kitten safe to leave the door open again. I’ve also persuaded G to finally get rid of three old computers that are just sitting there in a pile of his stuff. I’ve been having a whack at an ancient clothes repair pile for two days and it’s GONE, although it was tough going. My new plastic sewing machine isn’t nearly as good or strong as my old sturdy Pfaff, so it nearly got permanently attached to a pair of jeans. I’ll be doing jackets and jeans on my old treadle Singer from now on (1927 model), the driveband was slipping, so I haven’t been using it. But now I’ve made a new one, couldn’t be bothered waiting for a bit of leather, so it’s now a nice, blue polycord. I didn’t succeed melting the ends together, so had to stitch is using grizzly thread, but so far it seems to run ok!drawer

Mind you, I don’t actually enjoy sewing. I just think it’s a waste to throw out a jacket only because some large dog stood on your pocket until it ripped.

reolI’ve rearranged the linen closet to also include the tablecloths I rarely use, giving me a huge drawer downstairs for paper rolls that were getting squished on a shelf. Leaving me with a shelf for??! Incidentally the sewing pile gave me another two shelves for storing weaving yarns.

office3My desk is the tidiest I’ve seen it this year, bills are paid (well, I do tend to do that on a regular basis), all sorts of little notes have been transferred to my bullet journal and next up is a system for storing my paintings in progress – I’ll show you when that’s done!

A long time ago, last week to be precise, I finished my meditation blanket, I just haven’t had the time or weather to take a nice photo. It isn’t what I dreamed in my head, but it’s been a great learning experience. And it’s absolutely useful and shiny. I will have to do some projects where my handpainted yarns come into their own, though, because they are mostly hidden here.


When I was done taking blanket pix in the wind, the sun decided to peek through for a brief moment – gone by the time I made it back to the clothes line.

farm0414 garden0414

And that’s all for me in a while – things to do! I think it’s about time I got back to the paints and the yarns, I feel all motivated now that I’ve been so efficient. I know if I keep up the house thing for too long I’ll just keel over (may be a tad too late in fact – but then I still have books to read, even if I ALSO finished all my library loans!)

23 thoughts on “All the things?

  1. Pia! You’re being a huge inspiration for me to start getting things done. We just moved, so all the extra stuff is still here in boxes. But that’s just it. It’s still here. It needs not to be.

    And your blanket? GORGEOUS! How wide is it?

  2. the blanket is awesome. what a great job.
    could it be that a cleaning bug has struck because I caught my self with window cleaner in hand and tackling a few windows.

    1. I have, haven’t I. šŸ˜€ And now I’m completely lethargic, just clicking the interwebs, it’s10 am already!

  3. I LOVE your woven blanket. Happy colors! I really need to do some spring cleaning. Just can’t seem to make myself get started.

    1. It’ll come if it needs to. In the meantime, do something else! Dustbunnies are patient critters.

  4. Sejt tƃĀ¦ppe, mand! Man bliver da helt glad af at se pƃĀ„ de farver. Og ja en rydde-op-virus hƃĀ¦rger vist lander for ƃĀøjeblikket. Jeg er ogsƃĀ„ ramt. MƃĀ„ske er det en kombination af mere lys, sƃĀ„ energien vender tilbage – jeg er i hvert fald “vinterstille” – og sƃĀ„ regn og rusk, der gƃĀør at man ikke lige kan luge og ordne haven. SƃĀ„ mƃĀ„ man fƃĀ„ aflƃĀøb indendƃĀørs.
    Sikke en truende himmel over hestene i bunden – fik I tordenvejr? for det gjoerde vi sƃĀ„ det ville noget. RelƃĀ¦et sprang fra hele tiden og Ugleungerne fik computerforbud et stykke tid šŸ˜‰

    1. Nix, ingen torden, bare mƃĀøgvejr. Men det inviterer jo netop til at fƃĀ„ lavet sƃĀ„ meget som muligt herinde, inden man skal udenfor og knokle.

  5. That blanket is beautiful! I can’t believe that you casually sneaked it in to your blog post, right at the end! It’s a stunning, colourful, piece of work.

  6. Your meditation blanket is just beautiful!!! god, I love it.

    I’m with everyone else, what you are doing is inspiration and awesome!

    I’m also impressed that you can work a sewing machine and make it do stuff, a feat I have never been able to accomplish!

    Will be packing up soon here, I plan on decluttering like crazy. I’ve got a serious case of “I hate all this crap!” and I want to give most of it away. Can’t wait!

    1. Wow! Well maybe you could become a decluttering expert;). The blanket looks wonderful to me. Is this the one with the yarn that wasn’t super wash? How did you make that go away?

      1. I cut off the offending strip, basically. I had to cut three panels from one long cloth anyway, to assemble side by side.

        I’m actually good at organizing and throwing out. But if it had to be a profession I want staff, so that I can just walk around and point!

          1. Well, it’s a blanket. I hope my skills improve eventually! If not, I’ll just take whatever fun I have along the way.

      1. Just spending the summer down south w/ family. Will be back in the city late summer/early fall– hopefully to a mouse and insane person-free apartment!

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