7 thoughts on “Mayday

    1. I’ve been wondering if it’s laziness or what that makes it so easy to wander down that road.

  1. Det ser herligt ud. Hvad hedder salatplanten Рjeg kan pinligt nok ikke genkende den p̴ billedet?

      1. SKØNT! Min oregano er slet ikke fremme endnu, men du bor jo ogsÃ¥ sydpÃ¥ 😉

  2. Is that rhubarb? If so, what is the cake you make with it?
    I love the stuff – just planted one a week ago, but probably won’t be able to harvest until next year – I make it into pies, crumbles, or most often a jam/compote sort of thing…

    1. Crumble (try it with oatmeal, nuts, coconut! (and/or)) and compote with vanilla are also my goto recipes. But a flattish sponge/pound cake with either a compote and meringue on top or with rhubarb pieces in it are also nice.

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