
To help with bandwidth and server maintenance, I’m in the process of moving some of my old self hosted websites to WordPress. I don’t know if I’ll actually keep them up and running long term, but I still use them as an image bank to show old stuff rather than dig out old cd’s with my backup files.

That and Dre’s statement “horses are goofballs”, I thought I’d make a little goofball compilation here for everyone’s entertainment. Happy weekend, all!

13 thoughts on “Goofballs

  1. Pia I love your goofballs post and am glad I finally got to see it, I don’t know if others had the some thing happen when they followed the link in the e mail, I subscribe to your blog by e mail and each time I clicked the link it took me to a not available page so I thought you had taken the post down, I even went to your home page and it didn’t show, your horses are fabulous, I really enjoyed the photos, Frances

  2. Åh herligt! mange tak for et godt grin. Dien heste har vist læst for meget Lucky Luke – Den med strÃ¥et i mulen ligner i hvert fald Jolly Jumper.

    1. … Og det var altsÃ¥ Uglemor, der pÃ¥ grund af egen computerproblemer hele tiden skal logge sig ind. Min hestetossede søn nød ogsÃ¥ billederne!

        1. At least he had a good long life, but it’s always hard to say goodbye. My painted pony Charlie, who was very close to my heart, had to be put down at 10, I still miss him 3 years later when I see the pictures.

          1. Agreed. The flipside of being good caretakers of our animals is knowing when we have to make that most difficult decision. Sorry about your boy Charlie.

  3. I had the same thing happen as Islandthreads did. So I am glad to see the post now. You know how you asked what we people would like to see on your blog? I am happy with whatever you post, but I did think, I wish I knew more about her horses. Maybe you have done posts about them in the past but if so, I missed them. So if you’re ever stuck for a topic, you could write about them!

    1. I’ve only mentioned them briefly in a couple of posts I think or random photos. I haven’t been very active since I lost my two youngest, just the seniors left now.

  4. They are really beautiful “goofballs” 🙂 Lots of lovely photos here. K.

    P.S. You must be very organized if you have backup files on CDs. I’m very jealous… I’ve been thinking of doing this for a long long time, but… Well, you know… I always find something else that needs to be done instead.

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