“Weather” report

This post was initially created in April – edited a month later – and then, and then… I’m feeling like I should have been miles away by now, had I continued to work; so I still need to program a mindset to be accepting of this situation of forced headache breaks etc. As well as get back on the horse with my focus keyword perhaps! (actually, sometimes a break isn’t all that bad, many things tend to work in an ebb and flow motion. Can one possibly sync the inside breaks with the outside ones?!)

Continue reading ““Weather” report”


Still nothing going on here. It’s pain week again = horisontal me. The cats love it!

It seems there is an overwhelming majority of rapeseed * fields around here this year, but I don’t know if they’ll still bloom when I’m up and about again. Same goes for the peonies, so I’ll have to put my bets on something else. Dandelion seeds will be gone with the wind for sure! All in all, a typical May around here. Fire in the woodstove and all. Tried to alleviate my boredom with a bit of obsessive tool-shopping, but nothing came of it, so you’ll have to take my word for how much fun that was. 😉

* The most commonly used oil here in food preparation I believe. Look! An educational post!

Meanwhile project ideas are piling up, but they’ll just have to wait, won’t they. Behind the laundry, the horse poop and thistles…. Doing things little bit by little bit – eventually something might come of it. It’s always harder to choose which one to go for after a long break, I’m sure I’m not alone in that? I think I’m going to have to put plant dyeing at bay until I get myself sorted and just do the occasional picture thing.

Lovely garden days

I hope I’m not making anybody miserable showing off our lovely Easter weather, I just had to share my joy that colour is once again abundant outside. We’re having a mixture of warm, quiet days and stormy, grey, rainy ones, but all in all, it’s improving. I feel I lack some inspiration / originality with my photos, I’m going to have to think about that a bit. It’s easy to just click away at all the pretty things, but I’d like to get that little extra something! (well, I just had oatmeal cookies with my tea out there, but that’s not what I meant)

Taking it easy


Time to Photoshop!

As I’ve mentioned I’ve been a bit beside myself with my injured thumb, a limping old dog AND cat, headaches and various other creativity killers. Halfdone paintings sitting around that I was working on at the time but can’t for the life of me remember what plans I had and/or feeling reluctant to dive back in for some reason. And just feeling the usual irritation creeping in when I don’t get to make stuff with my hands.

So instead of struggling I figured I might as well make it easy for myself and see where that got me going. I’ve been digging through the old photos that I have backed up on the computer (I also have 2 large binders of negatives that I never got round to scanning, too bad really), picking out and playing with Photoshop making “fake” paintings or weird effects. Just trying things out. I’ve been wanting to make collages as well, but holding my stylus for cropping out items is a bit of a strain.

And it’s paid off, because I have enough images now for my picture blog to last for the rest of the year! I know it’s technically cheating, not actually doing one a day, but surely I can’t be the only one…. Anyway it works better for me to do stretches of one thing, and my temper isn’t as bad when I’ve been doing this 😉

Daisy layers autumn lake Sweden

Let som en pletdanish

Som tidligere nævnt har jeg været lidt ved siden af mig selv med min stakkels tommelfinger, halt hund OG kat, hovedpiner og diverse andre eksterne kreativitetsdræbere. De malerier jeg lige var beyndt på kan jeg pludselig ikke huske hvad handlede om og jeg har en eller anden sær ugidelighed mht at gå i gang igen.some reason. Og ja, så bliver jeg bare sådan lettere irritabel når jeg i længere tid ikke laver noget med mine hænder.

Så i stedet for at kæmpe for sagen, besluttede jeg at gøre det nemt for mig selv og se hvor det førte hen. Jeg har gennemrodet alle backup mapper på computeren efter gamle fotos (jeg har også to store mapper med negativer jeg aldrig fik scannet – egentlig rigtig ærgerligt!) og bare leget med Photoshop, lavet effekter og falske malerier og andet sjovt. Collager er også noget jeg vil i gang med igen, men det er lidt hårdt at holde på en tegnepen for at fritskrabe objekter.

Om ikke andet har jeg nu billeder nok til resten af året på min billedblog. Jeg ved godt det er lidt snyd ikke at rent faktisk lave et om dagen, men jeg er nok ikke den eneste… Når først jeg kommer i sving med et projekt holder jeg helst ikke op lige med det samme. Med bedre humør i bonus imens. 😉