Winter knit progress report 1

Really, just to kick my own butt in public, I’ve decided I want to make 2 sweaters by end of the year + a hat AND tell everyone how it’s going. Talk about setting yourself up for failure! Are we scared of failure? Hell no! Bring it on…. ๐Ÿ˜‰ In fact, after I started the countdown I never did anything about it for the first 4 days, and I didn’t give a hoot. That bodes well for my stress levels I think?

bluedelight1 I’ve started with the blue mix, wanted the green more after knitting the all blue sweater, but was unsure what to do. Now that I’ve progressed I can see how far the yarn type goes, so I think the green will be a jacket with some sort of thin yarn along too, I’ll have to see what I’ve got. In just 5 days I’m past the waist of my blue tunic and have used 2ร‚ยฝ skeins of 6, so I think I’m good since I’m planning on short sleeves?

My hands are screaming bloody murder each night, but I haven’t been in the mood for doing something “complicated” the last few days. In keeping with the tradition of both knitting method and of contradicting myself, I’m making it up as I go along rather than use a well documented pattern.

You can see under the arm it looks a bit big on Mimi, and it is, I didn’t pad her yet to match my new dimensions and I also made sure this time that it’s wide enough for me to wear clothes underneath, as I can’t wear wool against my skin. And, well, just in case I keep growing (Heaven forbid, it’s not in my budget!). I just hate the feeling of clothes that are like sausage skins ready to pop. Or if you wear a belt on your jeans the buckle sticks out under the sweater like a huge belly button! And I believe that’s as much of a fashion statement as you’ll ever get from me.

19 thoughts on “Winter knit progress report 1

  1. Pia I like the tweedy mix of colour, are you knitting down the garment on a circular needle?
    I sometimes think telling others of our plans keeps us on track, when we just think it to ourselves it’s too easy to forget, Frances

    1. Yes, I’m knitting it from top to bottom, no seams. The tweed effect is from the black thread that I knit with the variegated yarn, makes it more muted which I like.

      And I agree that it’s a bigger challenge to yourself to finish if you make yourself accountable to others!

    1. The last sweater took me 18 months, so I’m quite impressed with myself! I have another I started this summer, about 30% done, but it’s not for winter wear, so I’m letting it snooze.

    1. I just didn’t feel like knitting something complicated right now, I do have an old lace project sitting around, but…. Can we see your project, please?

      1. I would not show i in a blog, as my blog is only about plants, Greece, flowers, animals etc. I don’t know how I could send a photo to you personally? Regards Mitza

  2. I love the neck style on this, and the pretty colours ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m shrinking and you’ve got me thinking, I’m going to have to budget for that too, or spend a fair bit of time frogging and reknitting.

    1. Argh, frogging and reknitting is a drag no matter what the reason. At least you can still fit into your bigger clothes, even if they’re not totally flattering, so it’s not as much of a rush I guess. I don’t like spending too much on clothes, it goes out of my book and craft budget. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. HA! I’m down to 5 rounds a day now, it’s pathetic. If I knit at all. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am however determined to get to the 50% mark today, very close.

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