Winding away

Just a twirly sort of day yesterday. Winding bobbins, shuttles, warp chains and plying. Still have some tapestry bobbins and a stick shuttle to wind, then I’m ready to thread the loom and paint some more! Very colourful blanket coming up.

As I was finishing the muted yarn I finally, after two years of just looking at the fiber, figured out how I would have really liked to spin and ply it! Isn’t that just typical…. Where’s that Ctrl+Z when you need it?

Not really happy with any of these yarns, but now they’re done and that’s how it goes.


During breaks I get to play with this:byld

Big brown pony is recovering from a monster abscess in his left hind hoof. Very ouchy, swelly and gooey. I’ll spare you the sight.

17 thoughts on “Winding away

  1. I spent a good 10 seconds trying to think of what creative activity you were working on with that syringe (injecting pigment?) before reading on. 🙁 Hope your pony heals up quickly!

    1. You’re not very far off, actually, when I’m done with the antibiotics (that needle is 2 mm thick!!) I have in fact thought of boiling needles and syringes both to use for ink squirting or some such. It’s a bit of a complicated case, but I’m picking up an extra bottle tomorrow, hope that will be the end of it.

  2. The yarns look great. Hope the pony is better soon – been there! It’s amazing what uses one can find for syringes, we use them for squirting glue into tight spaces amongst other things.

  3. Det ser spændende ud, det garn. Jeg brød ogsÃ¥ hovedet over – ikke sÃ¥ meget sprøjten, dne kan man altid bruge, men veterinær-medicin. Jeg tænkte noget med maling og bundfældning … AltsÃ¥ engangssprøjter og -nÃ¥le kan købes pÃ¥ apoteket ret billigt, og de er vant til sære typer, der bruger dem til alt muligt sært 😉 Du skal ikke bruge dem du har brugt til syge heste. God bedring med hesten.

    1. Du har sikkert ret, men de har faktisk ikke de her store 2 mm nÃ¥le – i det hele taget har vi et meget mærkeligt apotek her. Der er ved at være lidt udskiftning nu, i lang tid var ingen i personalet under 70. Men det er som om kulturen er flyttet lidt med, de opfører sig nærmest retarderet hvis man spørger efter noget lidt usædvanligt.

      1. Ja de lyder da sære, “mine” apotekere er meget mere forstÃ¥ende. Jeg hÃ¥ber hesten har det bedre snart. Og sÃ¥ forstÃ¥r jeg egentlig godt din utilfredshed med de der garner. Det kunne have været sÃ¥ flot, men pÃ¥ en eller anden mÃ¥de er de ikke sÃ¥ spændende mere. Godt med et nyt billede af det grønne. Er hexiflats en slank udgave af hexapuffs 😉

        1. Ja, hexiflats er bare 1 lag i stedet for dobbelt. Men det garn jeg har valgt er supertræls at strikke/hækle med, især det sorte til kanter hvor man ogsÃ¥ har svært ved at se maskerne. Jeg kommer hele tiden til at fÃ¥ fat midt i trÃ¥dene fordi de “Ã¥bner op”. SÃ¥ jeg har opgivet at fÃ¥ lavet 100-vis af lapper til mit tæppe.

  4. The yarns are very, very pretty. Hope pony gets better soon, poor thing. Can’t be easy for you either so thoughts are going out to both of you today 🙂

    1. Well, the green is actually ok – I’ll post better pix when they are through their bath. The beige/blue skein is, well – bland. I don’t like barberpoling in most cases, but I’ve also tried this colourway as a single and chainply. I really like it in the fiber! What I should have done was divide it into the long white stretches with the greys and beiges and another part with the dark blue and sandy. Then spun two separate yarns to complement each other rather than blend everything. The orange purple skein is one of my batts made from leftover fluff and it looks too much like a scruffy version of another yarn I made recently because I plied it with the same orange single. It had some lovely teal silk bits in there, but they mostly disappeared when I spun it – again, the fiber was awesome, the yarn didn’t keep the qualities. It’s not useless by any means, I’m just not awed.

    2. Oh, and the rainbow bunch is just commercial sock yarn that I’m trying to destash by weaving it. I’ve given up on my hexiflats – so now they all go in as weft to this warp!

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