The long wait

There are tasks to be done. Lawn to mow, firewood to be carted into the woodshed. Not mine this year, but leaving me with no extra muscle to enlist. House to be cleaned, mine, if not by actual duty, then common sense, but I keep making up other things to postpone it… Gardening, definitely mine, since I’m the one who cares.

And all I can think of is working on my new room, getting it done, moving in, all the things I’m planning to do up there. I renovate a little old window in baby steps. I sweep the floor where a support beam needs to go in next, to help level the others. Draw some pencil lines as guides for a task 4-5 ways down the list. A list all in my head, I’ve got it all planned out. Because I just love building things, I can’t help myself.

In between I sit down to rest a lot, here or with my library stack. But hardly any cleaning, yet, apart from the laundry. And I daydream and get all excited, then have to put a lid on it, because, well, other people have their things to do and I must simply wait until the proper time. Without becoming all hectic of speach and manners, leaving everybody in my wake puzzled and probably quite put off.

So how is it, with a million tasks to be done, big or small, that one of them can absorb you to a point where you simply don’t want to do anything else? It’s not logical. I guess I’m not Vulcan, I’m a tiny doggie on a chain, constantly forgetting what a bad idea it is to run into the road and chase the lorries.

Tonight when the upstairs is empty, I’ll definitely give it a once-over. (After I’ve put the glass back in that window and tried my hand at applying putty)

Looks like my energy levels may be going up, I’ve even been listening to music today, a rare thing, but it was a good boost. I asked my otherwise very nice PT if I could begin building again now that my back is sorted, but he said he’d been thinking more along the lines of doing a bit of watercolour painting. And btw they were going to offer a senior fitness group. WTF?! Is that a way of saying my hair is overdue for a dye job?

After some thought I’ve decided he meant it as a provocation, so I’ve also done this today (not that he’ll ever know, or care):

10 thoughts on “The long wait

  1. now that the morning air is cool and crisp I think I will have to scurry like a squirrel to get everything done before it snows.
    your new space is looking lovely.

  2. Waiting is so hard! But I am glad your energy levels are up. Don’t strain yourself too much doing that watercolour painting 😉

  3. It’s pretty clear your energy level is very high, especially mental energy! I’ve been where you are–so desperate to move forward on something really exciting and hating every other thing that gets in the way. Don’t work yourself into a setback!

    1. I think it’s a good idea musclewise to only work every other day, so I’ve been reading and having a go at a foreverjob of knotting fringes on 3 rugs. Monday I’ll begin the task of shoving rockwool batts into the walls and plastic them over as far as I can reach on my own!

      I’d love for my physical energy to match the levels in my head 😉

  4. Fremskridt – det ser herligt ud. Hvis du virkelig kan kitte vinduer, har du min største beundring. Flot – Kan jeg lÃ¥ne dig 😉 Bygger du et opbevaringsrum oven pÃ¥ hanebÃ¥ndene, eller hvad er den “bridge”, du har gang i? En kommandobro til kattene mÃ¥ske, foret med strÃ¥ 😉

    Jeg føler med dig med hensyn til hårfarven. I en butik fik jeg en folder med gymnastiktilbud for 50+ Jeg føler ikke rigtig jeg har alderen til blåt hår og orange ankelvarmere endnu.

    1. Det er min første kitteoplevelse, men jeg er faktisk over al forventning tilfreds med min indsats! Så må vi se om det holder.

      Broen er lige nu hele vejen hen langs midten af rummet, da jeg har tænkt mig at isolere til kip. SÃ¥ jeg kan gÃ¥ deroppe og arbejde pÃ¥ det øverste stykke uden stigebøvl. NÃ¥r vi sÃ¥ er færdige, skal pladerne genbruges til at lave en lagerhems i begge ender, mens midten af rummet bliver Ã¥bent hele vejen op – om jeg sÃ¥ stabler lidt dekorativt drivtømmer eller andet hen over et hanebÃ¥nd af og til kan mÃ¥ske forekomme, eller finder pÃ¥ et garntørresystem?

        1. Jeg har allerede garn i hele huset, så det ser jeg ikke noget problem i? Men jeg har ikke tænkt mig at installere kattelem.

  5. I feel quite exhausted just reading all this. But well done you!

    Apparently once you hit 55 (and that might just be me at my upcoming birthday) you qualify for senior fitness classes here. As you say, WTF?

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