Reader Appreciation Award has nominated me for the Reader Appreciation Award.  It’s always nice to be appreciated by fellow talented fiber addicts, thank you for visiting and commenting on my ramblings! 🙂

The rules for receiving this award are as follows.
1. Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
2. Answer 10 questions.
3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.
4. Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know that they have been nominated.
5. Include the award logo within your blog post.

The Questions
Your favourite colour? Green?
Your favourite animal? Horses
Your favourite non-alcoholic drink? Orange juice

Facebook or Twitter? FB – mostly lurking
Your favourite pattern? Sunlight through tree branches
Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Neither. I prefer random acts of kindness – giving and receiving! (sorry – I just had to copy this one)

Your favourite number? They’re just numbers, who cares? 😉
Your favourite day of the week? Sunny, calm days
Your favourite flower? Sunflower
What is your passion? Colours

I’ve chosen some of the newest blogs in my reader to share, simply because I haven’t gotten that many yet, I’m kinda picky. Fibercrush is one of those and I thought about nominating you until I remembered I got this from you. 😉 And I’m having a hard time finding blogs that we don’t share in our lists!

Pam de Groot

Tread gently on the Earth

A word in your ear

Inspire; to breathe

Stitched up Mama

Canadian Hiking Photography

Colour it Greeen

Wendi of the treasure

Seascapes aus

The Witch of the Forest Grove


5 thoughts on “Reader Appreciation Award

  1. Congrats, Pia!

    Thanks so much for thinking of me as you spread the love. 🙂 I love having new blogs to check out too, especially when I know they come recommended. 🙂

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. Awesome, Pia! Congratulations—this is well deserved! I’m glad you found The Witch of Forest Grove. That’s been one of my favorites for years now. Off to go look at the rest on your list. 😀

  3. Hej Pia, Tusind Tak for ‘PÃ¥skønnnelsen!! Det varmer 🙂
    Jeg tjekker de andre blogs, altid dejligt at finde nye derude i junglen!

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