Elderberry results 2

Washed and dried and staying pretty much the same colour! So far so good… All that remains is a light test.

salt – alkaline – acid – before wash
In the sun after wash in tap water with shampoo

The jar of fleece turned blue, then green after some days, but the fleece then virtually lost all colour when drained. Slight greenish grey left. Whether it’s due to temp, no mordant or just the Dorset that doesn’t take well remains a mystery as usual. But I’m thinking I could have gotten green if I’d used yarn.

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Hyldebærfarvning 2

Det ser ud som om garnet holder farven, ogsÃ¥ efter vask! SÃ¥ mangler blot en lystest….

5 thoughts on “Elderberry results 2

    1. I guess this post does deserve an extension and chit chat about these things. Stay tuned for 2nd edition! The answer to your salt question is: a good pinch – because I read about it somewhere. 😉

  1. Those are beautiful colors!There are those that say you can’t get vibrant colors with plant dyeing. But you have proved that wrong with that fuschia! Lovely! I really don’t want to dye much…but I keep getting talked into it with stuff like this, lol.

  2. Love these colours! We have an elderberry tree in our backyard … I’ve dyed silk with the berries, using an aluminium pan instead of mordant. The result was different shades ofluscious purple/pink depending on the weave of the silk pieces. I must play with the salt/alkaline/acid idea when the berries come (only blossom at this stage) … =D

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