Going batty

purple purple and blue purple

I made G put the driveband on my drumcarder before he left for the day, so I could blend some fibers for my current funyarn project, just a batch of purples that I got out a while ago and never blended. Meant to do it on the hackle – but that requires 2 thumbs as well; I’m beginning to see why dolphins never had an industrial revolution. Apart from being too clever of course. And yes, I’m still p***ed about my thumb progress which has been going backwards this past week – are you all bored to pieces hearing about it? <G> Perhaps I should challenge myself not to speak of it again until it’s completely healed….

Stephen Pressfield has an interesting take on why we get these clumsy injuries – I have to say, it certainly fits well with some of my posts! “Things” always seem to happen “to” me just when I think I’m on a roll, cruising along with the wind in my back, thinking I’ve finally found the sweet spot. Interesting.

fluff box

Anyway, After carding the two batts for the project, I wanted more. Before I knew it, a couple of hours had passed and I’d been adding all sorts of silly things. When I ran out of obvious leftover bits of top, I got my fluff box (combing waste) out and ran a few chunks through the carder willynilly. I know it’s going to be neppy and tricky to spin, but hey, learning experience, right? Yarn that doesn’t hold up well because of short fibers can be felted…

merino silk

I’ve wanted to make tweed yarn forever, I even have a bag of undyed silk noil sitting somewhere just for that. So that’s another future project for the carder. I thought perhaps I could use the fluff for tweed nepps first, with some long fiber like Shetland for instance? Right now, however, I need to spin some as part of my attempt at a structured work and study routine. And paint if I can find uninterrupted time, which I need for that. I still don’t know what’s happening with my desire to blog differently, so in the meantime I’ll just blather as usual.

neppy tweedy

6 thoughts on “Going batty

  1. Hvis du kan finde en gammel science fiction novelle, der hedder “Inanimate Objection”, ville den lige være noget for dig 😉
    Skønne farver for øvrigt. God lege- og læretid.

    PS: Om “Inanimate Objection”: http://vintage45.wordpress.com/2011/08/29/spectrum-edited-by-kingsley-amis-robert-conquest/ (jeg kan desværre ikke lige stoppe bogen ind gennem skærmen til dig).

    PPS: dit “newsfeed” er stadig bagud, ikke længere end til Yarn Testing pÃ¥ min blog. ØV!

    1. Ja, jeg ved ikke hvad der er galt, det er pÃ¥ alle Blogspot blogs som abonnerer pÃ¥ “mig”, men det er ikke WordPress, for jeg kan se at andre wp blogs bliver opdateret! Meget tarveligt.

      Vil prøve at finde novellen pÃ¥ biblo! 🙂

  2. Q – Late in reading posts because I’ve been feeling sorry for myself and the fall I had injuring my knee. I feel as you do – why to these “things” always seem to happen to me? You said how I feel so perfectly – ““Things” always seem to happen “to” me just when I think I’m on a roll, cruising along with the wind in my back, thinking I’ve finally found the sweet spot. Interesting.”

    Enough whining, I do love your batts.

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