Drumcarder – I haz one

I’ve been so amazingly lucky recently that family members have chosen to share some abundance with me. Not only did my mum replace my 10 y.o. camera with a shiny new modern gizmo, I also have a new fiber tool. While being an owner in itself doesn’t ring my bells very loudly, I’m whooping at the thought of all the stuff I can DO with these toys. Never mind that I’ve hardly had any new clothes in a decade, I’m warm, clean and not too offensive.

The large drum is easily removed and replaced, so you have the option of coarse or fine cloths. I’m mordanting the last of my Dorset fleeces to be dyed and then everything gets run through the machine. Among other things.

I’ll be in the wool room if you need me. (aka living room aka paint stoodio)

drum carder


Lykkens Pamjulefis, det er mig! At blive tildelt overflod bare for glæden ved at give og modtage, ikke for ejerskabets skyld som sådan, men alt det man kan udrette med det rigtige værktøj og godt humør. Og nu mangler jeg hverken det ene eller det andet! Den store tromle kan nemt skiftes, hvis man vil have en grov- eller fintandet.

SÃ¥ hvis ikke I kan se mig, sÃ¥ ved I nok hvad jeg laver… Der er sat en gryde bejdse over med det sidste Dorset rÃ¥uld og sÃ¥ skal hele balladen ellers igennem maskineriet. Og naturligvis foreviges med det fine kamera, jeg har fÃ¥et af min mor, da det gamle var ved at stille træskoene.

21 thoughts on “Drumcarder – I haz one

  1. Drum carders are nice to have!
    My living room is also my spinning/weaving studio! And my kitchen is my dyeing/eco printing studio……
    When you live in a small space, all rooms have to do double duty…. sometimes triple duty! 😉

    1. Oh yeah – my library/office/storage is in the kitchen, the big canner that I use mainly for plants that need controlled temps is in the bathroom, my wool is in the small spare room upstairs, dried plants and probably the carder in my bedroom closet and the yarn is pretty much everywhere. 😉 Wheel in the living room too.

    1. No, I picked a handmade one from a small UK company because the drum can be switched. But I guess they look pretty much the same! This one is oak, I don’t know if it would be considered heavy, as I’ve never met another carder. But that suits me as I don’t have to clamp it to the table apparently, so I can just lift and turn it when I want to get the fiber off. And the handle just clears the table top, so I don’t have to feed it from the side. I was a bit disgruntled with the frame being much wider than the drum, making the large drum scoot sideways as I was carding, but I fixed that with a couple of washers.

  2. It’s a Classic Carder by Paul Brittain isn’t it? It is the same as mine! It’s such a good carder and I’ve never had any problems with it. I’ve used mine for raw fleece, prepped fleece and wool tops, as well as a whole mix of other things. Good Luck with it, I’d love to see how you get on with it 😀

    1. You bet! I’ll have to think up something wild…

      Just picked some weld today for my remaining fleece – and it still works! And here I was afraid August would be too late. I guess I’ll have to try the woad too.

      1. I just found some woad leaves in my flower bed that never germinated in the spring/summer but have now suddenly popped up. And my Japanese indigo, that had it’s “final” harvest at the end of September has grown quite a bit too. So my dyeing season hasn’t come to end just yet but I am dreaming of finding more time for carding and colour blending soon, I just love it.

    1. Ja, det er helt fantastisk at føle sig sÃ¥ heldig og begavet – sÃ¥ skal jeg bare have styret min tid, sÃ¥ ikke alle fotoideerne jeg har snubler i garnet! 😉

    1. I’ll give you a crash course in how to use it then, as soon as my finger mends. Basically it’s for painting with wool you might say!

          1. So you got it really bad? The wind was very strong at my end, but I believe that people further north suffered more than we did.

            I’m don’t realize that the right thumb is important, but it’s just because it doesn’t hurt… That’s one of the laws of life – you don’t understand ho much you need something until you lose it…

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