Clown barf

You’d think after all that waiting one would be careful to perfect the last leg of the journey, right? Not around here we don’t…


Since I refused to also wait for the “right” idea for my rug, it happened exactly as I half expected: I’ve botched the job from the beginning by playing kindergarten with my wool. Technically it’s fiddly and fuzzy, but I also find myself completely unable to predict what each pick is going to look like with the previous section. Everything is so big compared to thread, I feel like I’d get a better view standing up.

I also refuse to go backwards however, so this rug will simply be a huge, incoherent sampler it seems. I hope it will improve just a little bit by omitting some of the colours.

And I think in the future I’ll prefer a little bit of twist before I begin weaving.


Next up: more white, no purple.

14 thoughts on “Clown barf

  1. It may look a little intense on the loom, but I think once it is on a wall or floor it will look great, because the solid color of the background will frame it.
    Your titles crack me up. When I read one in my email, I hasten over here to see what beautiful piece of craft work has failed to meet your expectations now. 🙂

    1. Heehee, I do admit to having childish fun with silly titles.

      I hope you are right about the rug – but hey, it’ll be hidden under the loom and I’m definitely learning what not to do next time! 🙂

  2. Me like 😀 Men jeg er ogsÃ¥ vild med spraglede og kulørte ting i et ellers ensfarvet /roligt rum. For eksempel vores badeværesle med blÃ¥ fliser, hvid maling, hvid sanitet, blÃ¥t brædt osv. Der har jeg malet en frise med knaldrøde badeænder 😉 Jeg planlægger en serie af hÃ¥ndklæder, der faktisk minder lidt om det, du laver her.
    Fortsæt endelig ad samme spor. Det der clasped weft-noget (hvad dælen hedder det på dansk) med hvid indramning er bare helt fint. Frynser i hvid med sølveffekter er min tossede idé til afslutning.

  3. I very rarely plan my weavings in advance and they usually turn out ok, I think you might be surprised by how good this will look by the time you finish it. I think the colour combinations look great.

  4. I really like that! I suspect it is not what you imagined, so you don’t like it, but if someone else made it and you saw it, you would like it better. 🙂 You can make me a clown barf rug any time you want. 🙂

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. I have to remember to regard projects as learning experiences, not as proof that I’m a worthy person. 🙂

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