A tiny frost

Just visiting for a few days before the gloom and rain descends on us again. Forecast says snow tonight, so if I’m lucky perhaps a little photosession tomorrow before it’s gone.

It’s dawn just now, lovely pinks (and me in my jammies, not going out!) and somebody is shooting heavy fireworks nearby, nothing to see, just boom, crack, bang. Geez people! At least the dog won’t be terrified this time.

Perhaps winter


First winter day, and a promise of, but not quite real frost at least in this garden. It’s possible that I simply got out of bed too late, though! Uglemor has taken care of that bit of December greeting for me. šŸ˜‰

Continue reading “Perhaps winter”

Yarn prize

Last month I won a little raffle we’re having in the Ravelry tapestry group. Not that I’ve been able to work on my diary, but apparently I’m still in. The prize was a gift certificate for Webs, which of course, being in the US, makes it difficult for me to shop because of postage and the threat of import taxes. So I blinded myself to all the lovely stuff at www.yarn.com and just picked ONE skein of something I don’t see here as well as weaving bobbins in a size I haven’t been able to find for my largest boat shuttle.


Continue reading “Yarn prize”

Winter cloth

faux tweed

Once threading and sleying is done in many separate sessions to reduce the risk of headaches, weaving itself is mostly a breeze. This fabric has an unexpected design feature in the weft sequences, which I didn’t notice when making the draft, but I’m going ahead with it as is, since it’s not likely to fall apart. šŸ˜‰

Serves me right for being too smart for my pants and not checking authorized pattern sources.