Inspirations 6

Inspiration from natural materials

Very textured tapestry – something I had been contemplating myself, very cool

Some more weaving with blended materials

Drawing on the beach

Great flower photos

Normally I aim at having 7 links in each of these posts (don’t ask me why), but I’ve either been surfing less (good for me) or my bookmarking skills have declined. I could put in a link to my Amazon wishlist and keep you entertained for hours, but somehow I think that would be a fruitless effort. Reminding me of this quote, which will count as today’s 7th item:

“A person will sometimes devote all his life to the development of one part of his body; the wishbone” – Robert Frost

More inspirations


I was going to talk about spinning today. And possibly knitting. But I’ve just been too knackered to do either…. Here’s (some of) my wip collection! Not telling how long they’ve been in there….


Do daily photos count as postcards? Go check out my new blog if you’re bored. It’s just for laughs, something I can also do when I’m tired and foggybrained but refuse to give up. (yes, yes, I know what I said last Thursday but if I’m having fun it’s ok, right?) And, well, I did say I was going to do more Photoshopping in the future! I’ve been doing a bit of an experiment – how often do readers look at my menu? Answer according to wp stats is: Virtually never! 😀 (it also says nobody clicked the music video in my last post. Next time perhaps I’ll embed it. On autoplay. See how many subscribers I turn away or something *EG*)

If that’s not enough, here’s some cuteness for you, last Saturday I was babysitting. Meet Peanut the poddle puppy:

poodle puppy

Monday, we’ll talk about oak leaves. I already dun that post, so I can go take a nap. 😉

Actually I’m ok today, I just thought I’d like to write ahead a bit and you know, hang out someplace away from a keyboard and actually do stuff. Perhaps.

Er det snyd?danish

…hvis man uploader daglige fotos istedet for at lave rigtige postkort? Jeg har lavet en ny blog for sjov, til når jeg trænger til at fedte med et eller andet men ikke orker snakke eller tænke. Og så har jeg testet, hvor mange der kigger i min menu, sandsynligvis ingen. 😉

Jeg ville have snakket om at spinde og strikke i dag, men jeg har været for træt til nogen af delene, så det bliver en anden gang. Masser af projekter i kø, men man skal jo kunne holde øjnene åbne til den slags.

Og så har jeg babysittet en pudelhvalp, hvis I trænger til noget sødt.