Nettles revisited

This time round I’m not going to dye with them, and I’m not going to drink them either.


A couple of articles in the latest issue of Väv (a Swedish weaving magazine) talked about nettles and their uses as spinning fiber. Traditionally they’re harvested from August (some say midsummer), but one mentioned “before flowering” which they are doing now.

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Some garden progress

Some strawberries moved, some liberated from the worst crud. And a couple of struggling asparagus.

The other day as I began weeding, after running the sprinkler half a day (we hardly got any rain at all), I was attacked by a swarm of tiny flies. It was truly a whole cloud of them and only while I was working the soil, nowhere else in the garden, not from just wandering around for a looksee. I wonder what’s up with that.

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Garden HELP!!!


Normally I don’t get much help gardening apart from lawn mowing, branch removal and that sort of thing. But since absolutely nothing was done last summer due to our bulding project and a miserable spring, I convinced himself to get out the tiller, appointed two beds where nothing had survived and asked to have the roots and crud raked away. And look what an amazing job he did!

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Handmade soap – sæbetest

Nope, I have not fallen down another rabbithole.


Yesterday I received a nice little package in the mail from Uglemor aka “The Herbal Owl” aka “Soaplady“.

Jeg har ikke tillagt mig en ny hobby, men i går lå der i min postkasse en fin lille hilsen fra Sæbedamen, også kendt som Uglemor/Krydderuglen. Og jeg syntes lige jeg ville vise dem frem inden jeg begynder at bruge dem. Senere kommer et indlæg om min oplevelse af naturlige sæber – jeg skal jo lige ud og møge mig til før jeg kan prøve dem. Hvor er det skønt at få overraskelser med rigtig post ved siden af de sædvanlige 2 kg lokalaviser og skrammel!

I’ll write about them in two installments, today I’ll just show and tell, later when I’ve used them up I’ll tell you how I like them compared to commercial soaps. Normally we use liquid soap, but I’m interested in the non-chemical way as well as the medicinal properties one can combine in different soaps and ointments.

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