Studio project 7

A little bit of progress since my last images 2 months ago. I was hoping to have made the first storage shelf this weekend, which is why I’d painted one end, but since it turns out that I’m not strong enough to paint a whole room in one session or even a quarter of it, I’m just going to keep doing every bit as the drywall goes up. And then I can get rid of the boardwalk, making it possible to paint the rest of the slanted ceiling without bending my neck out of proportion. Yes, I’m all about thinking in steps at the moment, what’s next, and next…

Continue reading “Studio project 7”


Another draft was waiting for photos to be posted but it seems that will be for next week instead.

So I’m going to have to think of something else to tell you. I’m waiting for a courier and I can’t hear the van from the loom room or the loft, so I can either knit a sock or sit here. Wish they’d elaborate the tracking with GPS, but it can be anything from now and 7 5 4 hours. (during the while that it took me to finish this post)

Continue reading “W51Y15”

Inspirations 8


Quilting that would make great tapestries too

When you run out of photographic mushrooms

A wintery soup

I could totally see this as my driveway. Yes, I’d be isolated in winter. So?

Cute, surreal landscapes

I don’t seem to get around as much these days (or maybe I don’t save as much), so today’s list is somewhat shorter than usual. So I was thinking, how about each viewer leave a link in the comments that you find inspiring?

I still have problems loading WordPress sites, so I may not reply to each  – but I always read and appreciate! 🙂 (ETA: this means I also have problems commenting on YOUR blogs – I try but it’s tough going)

Inspirations 7

Some of these links I’ve stolen from various blog friends, so you may recognize them. The rest of you, I hope you enjoy! The third one had me in stitches…


Textile art

Sad little creatures

Women who want to be alone

Tiny snails

Front pages translated

Say cheeeeze!

Slow AND hot – book tip

While we’re all too sluggish to get near the keyboard, perhaps somebody needs a bit of summer reading? (or winter as it were)


I just finished reading a collection of short stories, and while I get various things out of the way, so I can finish all the projects I want to show you, I’d like to recommend this beautiful book. If you enjoy poetry and fairy tales I’m sure you’ll like it!