All that weld

…and nothing to do with it. That’s what I’ve been thinking every time I pass by my second year weld, lush, tall and proud. Because as I mentioned in the fennel post A. I don’t have a new dye yarn supply, B. I don’t really want to keep dyeing samples with cheap yarn, C. I don’t have any projects planned that require a large quantity of yellow yarn, and D. I just haven’t felt like it anyway. Which is a shame, because it is one of the plants I want to keep using in the more limited range that I’ve set out to use in the future (rather than try all the things).

Continue reading “All that weld”

Head on fire

One of the advantages of being a backyard photographer is that you can catch the sun, go shoot a few test images, check them on the computer and then go back out to take more (unless the sun hides in the mean time, like right now).

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Proof of pie

This is what I did today. No recipe, I just threw some things together for a glutenfree crumble. Almonds, coconut and stuff. I had a bit too much of both crumble and rhubarb, so I made a smaller one with a muscovado/molasses sugar just to try it.

G installed edges to my no dig bed, we got them for free from one of his shooting buddies. Gets a bit easier to control the lawn this way, and perhaps I can install a second layer some time to make things easier on my back. In the future, the boxes should go in first obviously, to not have to do any digging, but at that time we didn’t have any.


And some random point / shoot garden shots testing the new to me pocket cam, some of the functions don’t work the way I’d like, or rather, it seems the macro function is wonky. And sometimes in the sun you’re not pointing where you think you are! But then I would not have seen that decorative cloud, so all good. And the strawberry harvest is going to be amazing if I can keep the crows out. Now I’ll just make the guacamole for dinner and no more of housey stuff today. Basta. This is turning into a very everydaily blog, isn’t it? I’m not even reading anything awfully interesting at the moment, I’m between books. I may look at Pema Chödrön next. Unless I just grab a Pratchett….

Lovely garden days

I hope I’m not making anybody miserable showing off our lovely Easter weather, I just had to share my joy that colour is once again abundant outside. We’re having a mixture of warm, quiet days and stormy, grey, rainy ones, but all in all, it’s improving. I feel I lack some inspiration / originality with my photos, I’m going to have to think about that a bit. It’s easy to just click away at all the pretty things, but I’d like to get that little extra something! (well, I just had oatmeal cookies with my tea out there, but that’s not what I meant)

Spry old kale

kale2I actually thought kale was an annual thing, but these have never looked better! Looks like they’re going to flower – does anyone know if the rest can still be eaten? (if not, I’d like the space for the orange cosmos that Mary Jo sent me)

Going to be a headachy day (and then some) for me today, probably not a whole lot getting done. Or perhaps I won’t be able to contain myself to begin my project “new picture storage space”. Got the lumber yesterday, next step sand and paint.

It’s 6.30 am as I type this, G is going to some guys out thing with the neighbour (no, not a drinking thing), so unless the headache works itself into a migraine I will need to find entertainment for myself. We usually do house projects over the weekends. Perhaps I’ll molest some wood and build a loom?! Yes, you can have ants in your pants even if you’re feeling poorly. 😉 Then again I may just try finishing my holey sweater. So I can start a new one.

Would you believe it my sewing pile has grown again? And yesterday I added 4 pairs of jeans that need hemming, found at the Red Cross shop in town for 45 kr./£5/$8/€6 each. But I’m not going to look at that today. Sewing needs a special kind of extra energy …

And that’s my Sunday in spe. Will be interesting to see how it really turns out! I may have some kale for lunch.

(And before anyone is impressed with my morning skills, the headache woke me up around 5)