Hard work, even less talk.

Spinning chunky yarn on my Elizabeth has proven quite an ordeal, since I can’t get the ratio low enough and still make the wheel wind on the yarn, but my back is ready to give it another go for my little rug test project. And if the future I’ll have to figure that issue into yarn designs. Continue reading “Hard work, even less talk.”

Massive blow to my image…


I’ve not bicycled for years and years, in fact not much since I got my first car. Which is not as long ago as you might think, I lived in the city for about 10 years and didn’t need one (they’re also rather expensive to buy and keep here compared to for instance the US), so I was over 30.

My knees aren’t always too happy, so I had a good excuse, but now that they’ve been scanned and no damage to the meniscus like I feared with all the clicking and sharp pains, I really don’t have one anymore. It’s just a sign of oncoming osteoarthritis, slack tendons, and well, I should use them more. 😉

So I decided I’d get a bike for the odd days when I need to go to the library in town or the post office (they don’t provide hitching posts for the pony), rather than drive G to the station in a farther town and back home (repeat in the afternoon) in order to be able to do my errands. And, well, I’m hoping to make a few camera field trips too. And get a bit fitter. It’s not a happy purchase, really, just a sensible choice.

Problem is, I like sporty bikes. I’ve always had slimline, semi-race types aimed at getting places, not sightseeing. And that’s a problem because with my neck/back condition these days, I can’t lean on my arms like that anymore – even just sitting still on bikes in the shop made this very clear in an instant…

So I needed to get a granny bike. I know they’re top fashion at the moment, but that is just not how I see myself. What’s next, flowery dresses, pearls and straw hats? Keeping my hair in a bun? (wait – I already do that, nevermind). Oh larks and deary me….

I also needed to get it in a junior size, because otherwise the frame is too high and long for me. And I wanted gears at least. In other words, not a whole lot to choose from, because I’m rather cheap when it comes to such things too. After all, I don’t know if I’ll ever actually make it into town or collapse halfway.

So here she is, and I suppose I can safely say that I’ve definitely hit middle age! Basket and all. I’m not sure I’ll ever get over it. 😉


Der røg mit Imagedanish

Jeg har ikke haft en cykel i rigtig mange år. Når man bor på landet og handler langt væk eller skal have plads til 50 kg hestefoder og 2 store hunde, så bliver det bilen hver gang. Mine knæ er heller ikke særlig glade for hverken at løbe eller cykle, så det har bare været rigtig nemt at lade være.

Nu er der bare lige det, at jeg IKKE gÃ¥r rundt med flækket menisk, som jeg frygtede, det er bare lidt artrose og løse ledbÃ¥nd. Og da jeg bÃ¥de trænger til motion (blah!) og samtidig skal spare, sÃ¥ giver det ikke mening at køre 4x 12 km til stationen med gemalen, bare sÃ¥ jeg selv kan komme en tur pÃ¥ det lokale bibliotek eller posthus. Og egentlig kunne jeg jo tage pÃ¥ fototure ud i landskabet ogsÃ¥… (hvis bare vi dog havde cykelstier i stedet for 2 m dybe afvandingsgrøfter – jeg føler mig lidt dingelvorn nÃ¥r lastbilerne suser forbi lige i knæhaserne)

Problemet er så, at jeg altid har haft sporty letvægtscykler og det er dem jeg synes om, de er smarte, og jeg er ikke hyggecyklist, der skal trampes til, så man kommer frem. Desværre er min ryg og nakke ikke enige, bare det at sidde stille på cyklerne i butikken gjorde det klart for mig at jeg ikke kan tåle at holde min vægt i armene/skuldrene.

SÃ¥ nu har jeg været nødt til at købe mig en konecykel. Der var ikke sÃ¥ mange at vælge mellem, nÃ¥r man bÃ¥de vil have gear og juniorstel. Hvad bliver det næste, blomstrede kjoler og perlekæde? HÃ¥rknold? (nÃ¥nej, det har jeg jo allerede) Jeg kan bare slet ikke forlige mig med, at jeg nu officielt er midaldrende. Tror faktisk aldrig jeg kommer over det…. 😉