Still here

But taking it very, very easy. As much as I’m able of course…. 😉 Hot, dry summer weather helps, getting some use out of the hammock for a change. Fingers itching to finish that last bit of hedge that didn’t make a trim, but I do not want to feel the way I did last week. Garden is running rampant too – but it’s so dry this year it would have been a struggle to grow anything on purpose anyway. I see that some of my hollyhock seeds from Mary Jo have sprouted, otherwise, nothing has come up. I hope I can use my window contraption next year!

I got sent home from ER on the same day without treatment, haven’t heard yet about the monitor I was supposed to wear for a week. I’m guessing they may have ditched the idea because they didn’t think I looked sick enough. Apparently if you’ve had “stress burnout” once, you can never ever get any other illness after! Which I guess would be pretty cool if it were true. Oh well. My local doc gave me pills to lower my pulse, but they’re not really doing anything.

THANK YOU for all the well wishes, they were much appreciated. :bear: <3

We’re mending the barn roof with the (paid) help of a neighbour. If the heatwave continues we’ll renew the top of the house as well, since I’m not making the cash needed for an entirely new roof (and preferably remodelling of the whole upstairs while we’re at it). What a godawfull mess, but necessary, the tiles were beginning to come off in the winter storms and the “chimney” falling apart. We don’t need it since we don’t have cows in there to stink it up, just the two ponies coming and going as they please. (sorry, I didn’t think to take before photos) The sparrows that have been breeding like rats under the roof for years will have to find new accomodations, I’ll have to look into how I may help them.

13 thoughts on “Still here

  1. Good to hear you’re taking it easy! I hope they give you the monitor so that you can get to the bottom of the problem.

  2. Det er godt at høre fra dig igen. Sådan nogle undersøgelsesforløb varer altid 7 lange og 7 brede, hvis ikke lige man er ved at dratte om. Tag det roligt og pas på dig selv, og se at få fat i din læge, hvis det tager alt for længe.

  3. Call and nag about the monitor. I have had one – it didn’t show any real problem, so maybe you won’t get a quick or definite diagnosis either, but you won’t know until you do it. Bring a cordless phone out to the hammock and call from there, then it won’t be so bad if you’re on hold for a while!

  4. Just catching up here so am pleased to read the last post and this one back to back. Of course it’s not silly to keep us up to date … even those of us who comment rarely care to know that you’re okay. I do hope it’s nothing much, but maybe get your serum ferritin checked if it hasn’t been already, too little of the stuff turned out to be the cause of my palpitations a few years back (my haemoglobin was on the very low side of normal at the time at 12 but the serum ferritin was the lowest my doc has seen, 6 where it should be 100, preferably 200).

      1. Eek, you’ll think I’m mad … ‘comment rarely, really care’ … that’s it. I blame the heat for addling my brain!

  5. Pia! I’m sorry to hear about this! I’m late on catching up with my blogs, but I’m glad you are doing well and I hope better and better soon. I was thinking of you in my travels and picked up a button for you. I’ll be sending it fairly soon. Keep us updated.

  6. Sorry that you are still so worried – I hope that’s easing now at least.

    I guess for me, the possibility that my problem was due to stress would be welcome news – far more so than hearing I had an organic issue that required long term meds. If its stress, I can do something about it, if its not I’m stuck with medication, which all too often leads to more medication to counteract the side effects of the first lot.

    Whatever the cause, I hope it is resolved soon.

    1. Oh, I totally agree. Apart from the fact that if it’s stress, then I can’t do much of anything ever because I was not aware of stress this time. But yeah, much better than actual heart failure, for sure!

      What I was miffed about was the fact that they can’t be bothered to examine you for anything if you’ve had stress. I don’t believe that I have any kind of cancer for instance, but theoretically I could get it at some point, and the doctors would always say that any kind of ache would be stress induced and not bother looking into it. “Come back if you begin to lose weight rapidly”. I mean, by that time it would pretty much be too late, wouldn’t it? (I’ve had some strong pain in my gut for about 18 months) And theoretically I could have clotted arteries or whatever disturbing my heart. But since I’m not smoking and only moderately chubby, they decide without checking that I don’t.

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