

This is another one of those days where I have a number of blog drafts sitting around, but can’t get to the end of them because stuff is missing. (I can’t tell you of a loom I did not get to buy for instance because somebody else beat me to it) But I need to keep in touch or I’ll go missing entirely I think, there’s definitely something to staying in the flow, not just with art, but with blogging too. The more you do, the more ideas happen as well.

Busy week here preparing for an insurance inspection, ditto meeting and generally a very tiring May. My journal has ONE page in it, that’s how little I’ve been “me” instead of janitor/general manager/headache monster. Trying to reset myself now, mentally and physically, by doing very little, my brain is boiling a wee bit. Definitely hoping to get back to work on Monday, and I know I’ve said that about some previous Mondays as well, but this time I mean it or I’ll murder somebody. I don’t even care if they deserve it. 😉

Anyway, we were out of dog food and old ladies get special low calorie senior kibble, so I had to drive to town today and decided to try a marathon run of my long accumulated shopping list. No more room on the whiteboard. Only forgot to look for two things and didn’t get one other which was not available, so all in all I feel very efficient and also accomplished enough to relax about granting myself some me-time. So much for resetting, but I did that most of yesterday at least and haven’t done much else today either. I may not be able to get artsyfartsy on weekends, but I think tomorrow will be for a couple of projects where I just have to point. Rhubarb pie might happen.


Only yesterday I was thinking about how it would be nice to have various shades of bright thread to make scrap blankets/quilts from old clothes. Well, first stop on our tour was getting a new cover for painting on the dining table and what did they have at the checkout counter? A little junk basket of very marked down threads… Thanks a bunch!


Second score was a new hedge trimmer. The one I’ve been using for the last 12 years is a bit weak and I often have to hack my way through if I need to trim close. My arms, shoulders and back just aren’t up to the job anymore, so we agreed last year that I’d get a better one. Tried various types and the really good ones were also too heavy, so I hope I’ve found a good medium variety. Why doesn’t the large person in the household cut hedges? Because he is not a garden freak and I’d go bonkers having to supervise the job. He could theoretically use this one too, but it wouldn’t work the other way round; which means I’d have to be a major nag to get it done. Not my favourite situation at all. And, well, I kinda like doing it. Especially after.


I’m going to try fishing line for helping with my selvedges in weaving. Do you think this will be strong enough? I obviously didn’t have a chance to pull it before buying…

I also bought a piece of wood. Maybe another day I’ll show you what I want to make from it. It amuses me no end to prance around the hardware store, try things out and pick what I want, with a guy in tow just carrying the stuff!


My saori jacket is not making a lot of progress, oodles of design errors and remakes. I was picking out buttons the other day, haven’t found the perfect set, but decided on “good enough”. This pile I received from Melanie in Toulouse along with chocolate and two lovely scarves, how’s that for a score!? Maybe some day surprise packages will go out in the opposite direction, but for now that’s a secret.


And that’s about it from the cottage this week. The lilacs are looking spectacular at the moment, but so far I’ve forgotten fresh photos of them. Lucky for me, they look just the same as last year. I’m going to try my very best to be a little bit interesting in the near future.

9 thoughts on “So…

  1. Ja, rengøring og sÃ¥dan har en sørgelig tendens til at komme i vejen. Jeg kan se det for mig, dig og ægtemanden i byggemarkedet, sÃ¥dan ser det næsten ogsÃ¥ ud her, vi har bare ogsÃ¥ et par Ugleunger med pÃ¥ sjæb. Jeg nyder allermest at gÃ¥ der alene, eller med bare en enkelt Ugleunge pÃ¥ slæb – og heldigvis har jeg fundet en perfekt undskyldning for snart at skulle derud igen 😉 Proppen til køkkenvasken er slidt op, og en ny mÃ¥ købes i trælasten.

    1. PS. Hvorfor fiskesnøre i kanterne, Ville det ikke række med en dobbelt af dem du ellers bruger? Men fiskesnøre er helt sikkert stærkt nok, hvis du vil prøve.

      1. Der er nogen som påstår det hjælper med at holde dem lige. Så trækker man dem bare ud bagefter. Jeg tænkte også det ville give lidt luft i maskerne, hvis man skal sy flere paneler sammen i bredden?

        Der var mange forskellige slags fiskesnøre, fra 3-20 kg. Det siger mig ikke en bjælde!

        1. Det lyder da temmelig smart. Jeg gætter pÃ¥ – uden at vide et klap mere end dig – at kilo-angivelsen er en angivelse af brudstyrken.

          1. SpørgsmÃ¥let til 12.000 kr er sÃ¥ – hvor meget vægt-træk er der pÃ¥ en spændt væv?

  2. phew after a shopping trip like that I wouldn’t get to do anything else all day! Good score with the threads though, and the buttons…lucky you! What is it about buttons? They are just so lovely.

    1. I try to not do that kind of expeditions too often. Which then grows the list in the mean time, obviously. I guess I’m paying now for doing it at the tail end of an already busy week…

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