Sheep market

Well, not actually with sheep for sale, but about them. I was slightly underwhelmed I must admit, this being my first, but at least I’ve seen it. Just a handful of meat sheep, a handful of stalls with knitware and other crafty stuff, easily browsed in half an hour when you’re on a budget and didn’t think to bring cash anyway.


But we did see a sheepdog at work, had locally made lamb sausages with unfiltered apple juice (one of my faves) and sheep milk ice cream for lunch. I ran into my friend Nina who lent me 200 kr. so I could buy some merino top that I fell in love with as well as a couple of pounds of Leicester fleece “pick your own bagful”. He just said “white L.”, but since we do have a breed called Danish L. I’m guessing that’s it. I didn’t stay put for the presentation of that one because the dog show started, so I don’t know if they originate from the Border Leicester or the original Leicester Longwool. (had I bought the fleece first I would have paid more attention of course)

shropshire lamb
shropshire lamb

One of the ideas I came away with was felted postcards, really cute. I forgot to take pix or buy one however, like I forgot I wanted to taste the muffins. 😉

And I learned why wool sheep like the nordic shorttail breeds actually taste better than meat sheep. Meat sheep store their fat in their muscles, the smaller wool sheep around their organs. This means a Spelsau or Gotland sheep has very lean meat with no “zoo taste” to it. You don’t get nearly as much money from the butcher per sheep, which is why the meat sheep exist of course, who can pack on some serious weight in a short time.

Phew. That was a full weekend for sure. You’ll be hearing from me when I resurface to the land of the living. 😉

FÃ¥redage i Hedelanddanish

Så fik jeg også prøvet det. En anelse skuffende måske mht størrelsen af arrangementet, en håndfuld kødfår og to håndfulde boder med strik og lidt andet finurligt, let at gennemgå på en halv times tid når man ikke har overvejet nødvendigheden af at medbringe kontanter. Men jeg rendte da heldigvis ind i en veninde som kunne låne mig 200 kr. så jeg kunne plukke en pose Leicester råuld og lidt merinotops i fristende farver fra Renee Darley. Lidt skulle jeg jo have, når ikke jeg nåede spindedag med indbygget uld-shopping!

En lammepølse med æblemost og fÃ¥remælksis kunne det ogsÃ¥ lige blive til, vi fik set en border collie optræde med sit “team”, og det var sÃ¥ det. Godt det samme, for det var jo ogsÃ¥ halm-weekend, sÃ¥ vi er lidt flade nu.

Jeg så nogen fine filtede postkort som jeg glemte at købe eller fotografere og jeg lærte hvorfor uldfår smager bedre end kødfår. Kødfår lagrer fedtet i musklerne, uldfårene omkring organerne, derfor er kødet både magert og uden smag af zoologisk have.


6 thoughts on “Sheep market

  1. I am happy you had a nice break from the strenuous work filling the barn with bales of hay. The sheep market sounds like loads of fun. I have been busy on my loaner wheel and look forward to visiting the wis.sheep and wool festival. This year I will know just a little more as I look at the fleece since I have been spinning.

  2. Beautiful pictures of a wonderful day. I loved it all – the baskets, the sheep, the knitwear, the fleeces. Just a perfect day, I think. Will we be seeing more of the merino wool you bought?

    1. I suspect I’ll make yarn from it at some point, yes! What to do with it after, I have no clue, time will tell.

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