No images?

Well it looks like my plan to do some photoshopping has come to naught before it even got started…

Today as I went to sit at my computer, having used it all morning, I got an inactive monitor and locked keyboard. Check all connections, reboot. Not a sound from the machine apart from the power fan, no beeps, no harddrive activity, no monitor activation…

I just had more RAM and a better Windows installed a few months ago to avoid Photoshop crashing. Now I think my motherboard has probably died. There’s still the option of the graphics card being loose in the socket, but why?

So I have this old laptop, but even if it was strong enough to run my programs and could be connected to a proper monitor, you can’t just reinstall your Adobe software. Nono, it has to be deactivated on the old computer to be reactivated on another! And we all know how easy it is to get that kind of problem solved with a big company only interested in selling their latest version regardless of those who recently spent big bucks on the previous. (because I really can’t be having with that cloud thing) In any case all my passwords reside on my dead computer… (while I think the drives are probably ok, I can’t really see them!)

I guess I’ll have to come up with something really clever to say in the future, to compensate for the lack of photos, or I’ll just have to shut up for a while. Of course there’s mobile phone, *sneering*, and Instagram.

Such a shame just when I don’t have the physical energy to work on anything crafty, I could have put a serious dent in my spinning fibers otherwise! Life in a nutshell. 😉

In the meantime I’m trying very hard to remember some of the 5000 books I’ve read over the past few years for adding to Goodreads. I should have kept my receipts from the library, I KNOW I’m incapable of remembering names and titles until next time I see them. And yet I keep believing that I can. What I’m really good at is throwing out paper clutter, so no help there.

Of course there’s the off chance that G comes home, stares hard at my computer and it sputters back to life just because it’s him. But I actually doubt it. I dare it!

12 thoughts on “No images?

  1. Oh dear, I do hope you can resolve the problem and at least get to your data. Until then you can show us images with your words, I am sure that works as well.

    1. Well, it would certainly be an interesting challenge! Problem is not so much data, I backed up my drives recently. It’ll be a working computer worthy of my newish camera that’s the problem.

  2. And yes, the computer really is dead. It’s quite old, so finding spare parts is going to be a nuisance…

  3. Urgh – Argh den gamle vits “Who is General Failure, and why is he reading my hard disk” er *ikke* morsom! Du mÃ¥ prøve at gi’ den et BONK! ligesom med gammeldags fjernsyn 😉 Jeg havde en død computer, jeg vækkede (vakte?) til live pÃ¥ den mÃ¥de.
    Ellers mÃ¥ du fÃ¥ nogen til at pille indholdet ud pÃ¥ en extern harddisk til dig, og sÃ¥ købe en ny hos et firma, der specialiserer i brugt computere – der kan man ofte gøre en virkelig god handel. Jeg hÃ¥ber, du finder pÃ¥ noget.

    1. Begge harddiske burde være ok og til at sætte i en anden maskine, de er ret nye, så det er nyt bundkort jeg mangler. Problemet er, at jeg skal kunne putte en seriel port i til min tegneplade, soklerne skal passe til mit særligt gode grafikkort og typen af processor, og allerhelst skal jeg ikke behøve at ominstallere systemet for så er det jeg får problemer med licenserne til min dyre software. Win8 kan jeg heller ikke køre, da tegnepladen er 15+ år gammel. Virkelig irriterende, når vi nu lige havde opdateret den til at køre så godt! Den slags kan virkelig tage lang tid at få til at spille igen, så allermest er det min tålmodighed som trækker veksler, jeg har bare ikke energien til det pjat!

      1. Øv, hvor jeg forstÃ¥r dig! Jeg havde lige fÃ¥et indrettet min “nye” computer ril at passe alle mine behov, da understøttelsen til XP holdt op, og en opdatering fik hele systemet til at fryse. Det er en skræmmende ting at skrive format c: og trykke enter – jeg mÃ¥tte samle mod et stykke tid. Og sÃ¥ skulle begynde helt forfra 🙁 Der er stadig ting, der ikke virker. Ærgrelsen bruger faktisk mere energi end selve arbejdet. Heldigvis havde jeg ogsÃ¥ lige tager back-up af alle filer – jeg er ret poaranoid efter at have hilst pÃ¥ føromtalte General Failure.
        Hvor jeg bare håber, du og din computertroldmand sammen kan trylle liv i putten igen.
        Mange krydsede fingre herfra.

  4. What a shame! Can you take it to a repair person? I hope that you find a solution. One of our laptops died a while ago, and two days later we turned it on, don’t ask me why, perhaps out of simple despair – and it worked again! And has been working again fine ever since. Go figure. I hope some kind of miracle like this happens for you too.

    1. I have an inhouse repair person / super geek. If he can’t, nobody can. But I’d go for a miracle too! 😀

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