More chaos (studio project 11)

Just as the studio was all lovely and tidy with space to work in, things have been thrown into disarray and corners stacked high with stuff.


And it’s because because because:


So now I have to figure out what to do with this Expedit bookcase, looks like it needs to go back in the house.

Sorry, haven’t been making anything lately to show. I never learned to love that rug and since it was too harsh on my body I cut it off before it reached full size. It can be used to catch shuttles however until I find or make something else. Onwards!

4 thoughts on “More chaos (studio project 11)

  1. Maybe put casters/wheels on the bottom of the bookcase so you can easily move it out of the way? It looks like it would still be useful in there as a surface too..

    1. Yes, we discussed that, but I’m going to have to see how it all fits when I get the last bits into place. I also have wheels on my big work table, that is going to alternate places where it is now, when I’m weaving, and behind the loom (where you see the whiteboard) when I’m painting. Or I might want to work on it in the middle of the room where the book case is now, so I can walk all around it.

      So there is no place I can put the book case unless it’s in front of and blocking something, my shelves, windows, or like now, both my reading chair and my small loom. I like an open space where I don’t bang my butt against things everywhere I go….

  2. Jo, det ser lidt proppet ud med den reol. Jeg hÃ¥ber den har et andet sted, hvor den kan stÃ¥ uden at være i vejen. Hvad laver den stige egentlig midt i det hele, jeg troede ikke du kunne komme højere op – eller er den bare til at nÃ¥ spærrene og rummene deroppe. Det der med at hele tiden banke ind i noget, øv, hvor jeg kender det. Jeg tror altid at mit bagparti og mine fødder fylder lidt mindre end det gør i virkeligheden. Jeg mÃ¥ snart angribe min uglehule igen.

    1. Ja, stigen er til at komme op på hemsen hvor der ligger stof og uspundet uld. Den store hems er 6-7 m2, så jeg skal kunne gå rundt deroppe for at nå alting.

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