Monday morning

before the storm

After a fine weekend getting a few of the outdoor chores done, Sunday afternoon began to drizzle with high winds promised for Monday and Tuesday, possibly even a storm at some point. Must remember to fetch some more firewood! Sofa, blanket, fire, tea, knitting, a movie – not such a bad autumn vacation if you ask me.

I tried to play with some long exposure photography, only to find out that both my old tripods (one of them I bought used in 1987!) are dysfunctional. One is missing the gizmo that attaches the camera, the other one swivels horisontally by the slightest touch and won’t lock in place. I guess I have to do a bit of shopping with winter and low light on the doorstep if I want to try more than snaphots.

long exposure leaves - no photoshopping!

I also managed to harvest and use dye plants from the garden, but more about that later since the wool is still drying. I had to make quite a thick layer of fleece to fit everything on the clothes rack, so it’s going to take some time. That means the carder is also resting, because however long I’ve wanted one I don’t actually have any recently planned projects for it, and I’m rather in a picture mood at the moment. (until I’m not)

There’s a tweed yarn planned which involves carding silk noil into longer fibers, but all fiber I have is already blended or white, so that requires more dyeing. Well, technically I could start on the part of the fleece that was dyed last year. But that actually requires me to remove all my paint stuff, and I don’t want to right now. I think next week will be a good week!

But apart from 20-odd bushes that need to be moved, I think I’m pretty much done with reporting on outdoor activities this year. Time to look closer at the painting, the yarn and the Photoshopping. Suits me fine, I couldn’t care less about the garden right now…. Just need to make that apple sauce – perhaps today?

The little house in a field

Mens vi ventdanisher på storm

Den lune weekend blev til regn og rusk, heldigvis kan jeg sidde inde med god samvittighed, da vi fik ordnet et af efterårets udendørs projekter. Må huske at få hentet mere brænde inden det går rigtig løs!

Legede også lidt med lange eksponeringer, men begge mine gamle fotostativer er i stykker, så jeg må vist ud at shoppe lidt igen, hvis det er noget jeg vil bruge i den mørke tid.

Og sÃ¥ nÃ¥ede jeg endda at høste og bruge lidt farveplanter fra haven, men mere om det senere, for ulden er vÃ¥d endnu. Jeg har ikke sÃ¥ meget plads til at tørre uspundet uld indendørs, sÃ¥ det ligger i et ret tykt lag og tager sin tid. SÃ¥ kartemaskinen stÃ¥r og venter – selvom jeg har ønsket mig en meget længe, sÃ¥ har jeg ikke nogen aktuelle projekter pÃ¥ listen bortset fra ovenstÃ¥ende. Noget tweedgarn ganske vist, men det kræver mere farvning før jeg kan karte.

Ude mangler vi vist kun at omplante nogen buske, og så er jeg bare helt klar til indendørssæson med maling, garn og Photoshop. Tænker slet ikke havetanker lige nu. Skal lige have kogt den planlagte æblemos, men det er jo heldigvis også indendørs. Måske i dag?

4 thoughts on “Monday morning

  1. Well, what do you know, some clever boy just fixed the swivel on my “good” tripod (the older one incidentally). Only problem with that is, it’s too heavy for little old me to be lugging around on walks, I either need a caddy or to stay at home.

    1. Thanks. Not quite missed, but it’s not too bad. Nothing like the hurricanes we hear about in other parts of the world.

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