Last week, last post

It’s a bone-cold, lazy (ie exhausted) indoorsy type of week with no social duties whatsoever, yay. I’m knitting a hat from an old handspun skein for no particular reason, G is finally updating my webserver and in return I’m rebuilding the website for his gun club.

It’s always fun to see how a handspun or handdyed yarn knits up, sometimes they need crochet or weaving to show off, other times they really seem to be their prettiest as a skein. I had some which were too small for the pattern, but if I like the fit, they may become headbands for my delicate ears.

I began writing a typical “status of the year” report, slept on it and decided I really couldn’t be bothered and had no profound learning experiences to impart.

I make no resolutions once a year, I just have general guidelines of where I hope to be going. And I probably say this every new year, but right now I’m too lazy to read back and verify that, so please bear with me.

A topic which also keeps resurfacing is “what should I work with when I grow up”. The obvious answer at the top of my list has always been “live in the country, work from home making art and/or writing”. All well and good, but I never managed to make it my JOB. So the real question remains: “how do I make money to support myself” now that I can’t go back in time to any of the things I did before.

I was thinking (again) about getting “Strengthsfinder 2.0”, has anyone done that and is it even still a “thing”? I got the idea from watching a tv show and pondering the question of how they find new jobs for people in witness protection programs. Like, do you get to do the same thing as before (difficult to keep hidden if you’re a rocket scientist perhaps), or do they simply say “You are now a hairdresser” and leave you alone to deal with the fact that you don’t know the right end of a pair of scissors and hate making smalltalk? I can think of situations where death by gangster might be preferable!

So maybe I could make a list of subjects that I know something about and various qualities that I have, compare to a list of what I do not want to know or like and see if there are any hidden professions in there, instead of starting with the job titles. Counting aside the fact that I dislike fixed employment…

For instance, I would make a lousy teacher despite knowing about a million different things. I rarely take classes when I want to learn something because the pace is too slow and the curriculum too fixed. So I have no idea how a class is generally constructed, and my impatience with “slow” would probably crush some of my students which is highly unfair. (and we’re only talking about adults here)

I think I would have made a kickass researcher, it’s just too bad I wasn’t aware of this option 30 years ago.

See? I keep mulling over the same things year after year; when it comes to life itself I’m apparently not such a quick study. “Crossing ‘Life Coach’ off my job list”.

I did have one goal for 2017 and made it, just barely: lose 10 kg. Not all that impressive according to various peppy training websites, but I’m confident that I can do the same in 2018. 2019: stay put. Repeat.

Just trying to work away on all the things as much as I possibly can, day by day.

16 thoughts on “Last week, last post

  1. I’m kind of in the same situation. Millions of things I could be doing or could have done, but an stuck. Motivation is a big challenge for me. I hope we can find our way.

  2. Et ƃĀøjeblik troede jeg at du ville lukke bloggen ned. Det mƃĀ„ du altsƃĀ„ ikke. Jeg er ogsƃĀ„ i gang med at genopfinde mig selv for ƃĀøjeblikket, men hvem har mon brug for en midaldrende, halvfed kone, med hovedet fuldt af skƃĀøre ideer, og en krop uden stamina? Jeg har sat mig for at deltage i diverse web-challenges i den kommende tid, ja, jeg er faktisk allerede begyndt. MƃĀ„ske kan det sƃĀ¦tte gang i de halvstivnede hjerneceller.
    God jul herfra.

    1. Nejda – bare slut for i ƃĀ„r. šŸ™‚

      God fornƃĀøjelse med udfordringerne, jeg har rigeligt pƃĀ„ skemaet. Og godt nytƃĀ„r til vi ses igen.

  3. “ItĆ¢Ā€Ā™s a bone-cold, lazy (ie exhausted) indoorsy type of week with no social duties whatsoever, yay.”

    That’s how it is, here, as well. Without the exhausted part. The Holidays are not so stressful, as they were, once upon a time. šŸ™‚ But we are under a frigid Arctic blast! And this week between Christmas and New Years, is meant for calm and peace and coziness. “Time, between time.” All I “have” to do, is get rid of a cold!!!!!

    Being an Elderwoman, I don’t do any “what I want to do when I grow up” pondering. Just….. ” What do I want to do, which is fun????”

    I agree, I’d be a marvelous investigator/researcher, as I love, love, love to search about a topic. Won’t make any money at it, but I still love to do it, because it’s fun!

    No New Year’ resolutions’ of ‘words’ or etc. Never have.

    Best of luck with what you are pondering. We never want to not have any more to ponder. We’d “be done.” And I don’t want to “be done.” šŸ™‚

    1. That line should have read; “No New YearĆ¢Ā€Ā™s ‘resolutionsĆ¢Ā€Ā™ OR Ć¢Ā€Ā˜wordsĆ¢Ā€Ā™ or etc.”

    2. I can’t imagine I’ll ever run out of things to ponder – for instance: how old will I have to be to become an Elderwoman? (I guess that would depend on my pension plan, of which I have none, so my current plan is to be a weaver/artist until I’m 105 – if I can figure out the income thing. Alternately I’ll have to become an expert shopping cart dweller. In which case yay for global warming, ROFLMAO)

      1. How old, to become an Elderwoman? I am officially a Crone or Elderwoman, since I am 80. šŸ™‚ And I have considered myself such, for quite a while. But each gal can choose her own transition, from Maiden, to Mother, to Crone.

        I prefer… Time of learning…. Time of being active….. Time of leisure… Everyone has to learn, in early years. But not everyone is a mother, in that so-called Mother phase. But most are active, in the prime of life.

        Keep on pondering! ,-)

  4. Right… what do I start with? That your pondering sounds soooo… familiar? There are a million things that I could or would want to do in life – as if it’s time to plan that now! I should have already been “someone” and done “something”. Not married (I do have my other half, I’m just not the marrying material), no children… Maybe I’m just taking longer than others? Lets hope so. (Although it does feel like I’m running out of time.) Anyway, the plan for this year is to start a cut flower garden, also to paint, make jewelry and take photographs. If any of these would bring money in, it’d would be amazing.

    P.S. Congratulations on the -10. You are doing much better than me!

    1. I have no idea why I haven’t responded to you yet, sorry! Your plans sound great – let’s hope they also pay off. And I’ve been meaning to ask you for like FOREVER: Did you move back home-home? Because I’ve been seeing hints for a while but couldn’t find an actual announcement of the fact.

  5. Oh, yes. I’m home-home, in Lithuania that is, but as the UK also stands for the first letters of my surname and name I never bothered changing any of the information. So UK/LT is me and my beloved country šŸ™‚

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