Good Omens

I’m not one bit religious and don’t look for signs much in everyday life. But sometimes you get a little jolt and I thought this one had to be shared and multiplied:

I was sitting in my chair relaxing the other day, contemplating my paintings, the give-away and a new doodle post, a little IG challenge this week, and a particularly poor attempt at drawing a 3 cm kestrel, when I happened to look to my side where my knick knacks from last week were shoved onto a shelf. And I see this:

Good things are going to happen.

In the shop I’d hardly looked (no glasses) at the blank notebook chosen at random apart from the checked pages, so at first I thought “whose book is that?” – until I realized which one it was.

We’ve had a rather strained relationship with Hope the past few months, so the message hit home.

On another note, since comments have been dwindling, I’ve decided to do the draw for one of my paintings on SUNDAY, so there’s a little while left if you decide to play.

3 thoughts on “Good Omens

  1. Det er da en god beskjed å få! Ta den til deg. Og man behøver slett ikke å være religiøs for å ta til seg meldinger fra den verden man lever i.

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