Dog yarn

First test skein using 100% dog wool. While the fibers are really soft, they are also short and flighty, so I had to spin it into a wire to make it hold. Although I tried to make the ply as soft as possible (true 3-ply for stability), they yarn still feels a bit scratchy and more like string than yarn. I was hoping for a cowl alternative to sheep, but this will probably be too much for my skin. Possibly if I spin it thicker?

I have about 2/3 left of that combing, so I may try other ways, but someone advised me that if you spin it softly it will keep shedding forever. But hey, now I’ve tried it. And no, it does NOT smell like dog when it’s washed!

I won’t bother carding the rest, I’ll just spin it from the fluff.


10 thoughts on “Dog yarn

  1. Hundegarn, ja det vidste jeg jo godt at man kunne, det var faktisk en af mine planer med at lære at spinde. – sammen med hestehÃ¥r. Har du nogensinde prøvet med det, altsÃ¥ ikke hestehalehÃ¥r, men sÃ¥dan en rigtig tyk vinterpels fra en udendørshest? jeg gÃ¥r tit ture i skoven og ser sÃ¥dan nogle store totter, der sidder i hegnet, jeg har indtil videre kun samlet et par stykker sammen, men kan de mon du?

    1. Nej, min pony har godt nok bamsepels, men han er også så møgbeskidt om vinteren at jeg ikke har orket samle hans hår. Jeg tror det bliver noget værre strittet noget.

  2. It looks great, Pia! I’ve done dog hair on the past, too, but I’ve always blended it with something else to give it more stability. And it doesn’t seem to matter what I do, it’s always a bit scratchy anyway. I make little knitted bowls from it as mementos for folks’ pets (or our own!)

  3. I’ve spun dog hair before, but I mixed it with merino and angora. It made a really nice soft yarn that I wove into pillows (and gave back to the dog’s owner as a gift).
    It didn’t smell ‘doggy’ either!

    1. I knew about mixing, but thought I’d try it as it was, to figure out its properties. Pillow cases might be just the thing, or cat beds!

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