Art** give-away!


Since this is my 500th post, and I’ve rounded both 500 subscribers (followers sounds like I’m some sort of guru), 5000 comments, a 50th birthday, and 60,000 views this summer, and the fact that despite uncomfortable interruptions I am indeed sometimes painting again after more than 20 years not, I thought we would have a fun little competition. Or we could celebrate that my ponies have been shedding their summer coats since the end of July, promising a long and cold winter perfect for indoor crafting. Incidentally, today it’s also my mum’s birthday, so let’s celebrate her too.

Rather than living in a storage box, at least one of my mini paintings /studies /sketches could go to a new home. I’ll draw a random winner among everyone who COMMENTS on this post. Tell me which one you’d like to own, and it might be yours! They are 20×20 cm on canvas, unframed but painted around the edges, ready to hang.

The paintings are named for easy identification, I scanned a couple more since my weather report. It’s a motley collection, various things I’ve tried out once or twice to get a feel for my direction or random ideas that just wanted a say in this world. I’ll leave this post up for a few weeks at least to see if anyone bites. Longer if not, LOL. Worldwide shipping and a string included!

The others could be available too of course, after the draw, but then I’d appreciate a small donation towards new art supplies in exchange for a picture.

The logo in the photos is NOT on the actual paintings. Colours may vary depending on your browser and monitor. I also recommend clicking the images to see a properly sharp version.

** Let’s not debate the concept of art or not, just play along with me.  😉 One thing that I am becoming better at, beginning with the time I was learning to spin, is to ignore perfectionism. I don’t care nearly as much about sharing my beginner attempts at most anything, with you and the whole world. It is what it is. You are my audience because I’m such a recluse I can’t bear to invite the whole local village inside for show and tell.


Bare fordi jeg har lyst, for at fejre at jeg endelig er kommet i gang med at male igen efter 25 års pause, og fordi de alligevel bor i en kedelig papkasse når de er færdige, har jeg besluttet at udlodde et af mine minimalerier (20×20 cm akryl på lærred). Du skal blot finde navn eller nummer på det billede du ønsker dig, skrive en kommentar og så udlodder jeg en vinder om et par uger eller hvor lang tid det nu tager at finde deltagere. Del gerne rundt omkring (med mindre du vil være sikker på at vinde). Fri porto og en snor til at hænge billedet i. Vandmærket midt i det hele er kun på fotos.






21 tanker om “Art** give-away!

  1. Good heavens! How would one choose?! I’m not sure I’ve really seen your painting before–I really like your approach and brush work! I like the paintings that suggest the vastness of the sky best, I guess, especially Flight and Lining. Beautiful work!

  2. Der er mange virkeligt smukke imellem, og det er svært at vælge. Men jeg elsker blåt og fugle på træk, så Migrate er min yndling. Grey Day og Winter kæmper om 2. og 3. pladsen.

    1. … og forøvrigt tillykke med alle dine femmere. Som man siger på polsk: STO LAT!
      Jeg har for øvrigt også altid ment, at “followers” lød lettere sekterisk, og kalder dem læsere.

  3. A difficult choice, I was tempted by Chalk as this horse was near where my parents used to live but I think Tansy is the one to win my vote.
    A wonderful giveaway

  4. Dette var ikke enkelt! Etter å ha bladd meg gjennom flere ganger og fundert og vurdert og følt på bildene, så tror jeg det må bli dark sun. Eventuelt tansy. Men alle gir meg noe, så det er jakke enkelt å velge.

  5. I like Tansy too. It captures the essence of one of my favourite flowers. And a great flower for dyers. Great idea, Pia and congratulations on all your milestones!

  6. Wow! Great giveaway, you guru, you! I love the bright blue skies and beautiful greens of the poppy one- is it burden? But I would happily accept any of them!

  7. As I read the post, I thought, I will not even enter, I will let someone else have a better chance to win. Then I saw them, and guess which one is my favorite? RANGE! I think that is a sign from the universe.

    We will see how the giveaway goes, and then we will talk more about possible options. 🙂

  8. Beautiful, beautiful. And congratulations on all the blog goodness. Any one of your paintings would be a treasure, but pushed to choose, I’d ask for ‘Sparse’.

  9. Wow, they are really beautiful. My favorite is Small. I love the colors and the little formation of birds flying over.

  10. Sparse är min favorit. Jag gillar konst där motivet inte är självklart, utan kräver lite fantasi och där jag kan ställa mig själv frågan “Vad är det egentligen jag ser?”. Sparse skulle bli alldeles särskilt uppskattad på väggen när vi snart flyttar till en lägenhet mitt i stan efter att ha bott nästan 40 år i ett enskilt beläget hus långt ute på landet.

    1. Kul att du tänker så, jag tänkte själv, hey, jag gillar den just nu, men jag måste väl lägga på nåt mer?! Ändå så kom jag inte på nånting som kunde vara bättre.

      Tvärtom så kan jag inte tänka mig att nånsin flytta till stan igen. 😉 Det är för mycket folk och bråk.

      1. Det blir näst intill omöjligt att bo kvar här ute på landet när vi blir äldre. Långt till allt, inga grannar, ingen kollektivtrafik. Sommaren är fin, men på vintern är det kolsvart ute tidigt på eftermiddagen och vägen ska snöröjas. Snart slipper vi köra flera mil för att handla mat. Biblioteket ligger 2 minuter bort och bio, konstmuseum, restauranger, järnväg och bussar, vårdcentral finns också alldeles i närheten. En timme till Stockholm. Och släkten kommer vi att kunna träffa betydligt mer. En vävstol kommer att få plats och odla lite kan vi göra på balkongen. Det blir bra!

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