About this website

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gardenColour Cottage (in Danish = Farve-hytten) is the online home of one person with many interests and therefore the collective name for all of the branches that sprout from this. I call myself picturemaker, yarnie and horsenut.

Painting, photography, weaving and other yarn related activities, blogging about them, sending the results to new homes all over the world – just to mention a few activities. More than anything I’m an experimenter who can’t settle down with one speciality or routine for life – I’d get bored and my brain would think up mischief all on its own.

This site is personal and business related all under one hat, because that is who I am. No CEO, no business plan, just myself making stuff. If you like some of it, that will make me very happy, if you don’t, I’ll keep making it anyway or my soul dies! grin

I keep an archive of my wordpress.com blogs here, all topics mixed together, sorted into useful categories.

I’m a former IT consultant who realised that working with my hands is necessary to keep my imagination and my brain alive. Amazing discovery. I may talk about such things too once in a while.

We live in the country, in a small house in a windtunnel surrounded by nothing but fields. A selection of animal friends also occupy the premises, often competing with a pile of books or a crossword puzzle for my attention.

All images are my original work unless otherwise stated. Please do not use or copy them without asking, as well as crediting and providing a link to my blog. Pinning is fine too under those conditions. Thank you!

News April 16 2018:

I’m starting a monthly (or less) newsletter about new items for sale, earlybird specials, possibly freebies and other surprises. Click here to subscribe. Your address will be perfectly safe and never shared with anybody else, I swear.

Artist statement


Last updated April 2019

22 tanker om “About this website

  1. Yes, I SO agree with what you said about what happens when you start working with your hands … it really does open the door to creativity! =D

  2. Many thanks for choosing to follow my blog. I hope you will continues to find posts that interest you. I have had a quick dip into your site and have enjoyed very much what I have seen. I shall be returning … very soon!

  3. Reading this, is like looking in a mirror… ;-). We have a lot in common. Isn’t one of the great things of internet that it enables us to, like you said, ‘meet’ people you otherwise would never get to know! Love your dyework and I haven’t even browse your blog entirely! Love to hear more from your! Have a nice weekend! Best wishes, Alexandra.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! It seems it’s easier to find kindred spirits on the internet these days than in your own neighbourhood… But I do love the variety of inspiration available this way.

  4. Holy moly. Your home is beautiful! You’re living one of my dreams. I love the concept of your blog. Am going to tiptoe through it now….

    1. Thanks for visiting! I have recently become interested in tapestry weaving and am making a loom and tools, so maybe we can support each other on that journey! 🙂

  5. Cool Pia 😀
    IRGENDWIE, kommt mir dieses weiße Haus SEHR bekannt vor !
    Ich glaube darin wohnen 2 SEHR nette Menschen
    Schön das Du eine neue Plattform für Deine Foto´s hast

  6. Hi Pia! Thanx a lot for your help, but I still don’t get it… 🙂 Glad to have come across your blog, via WP-help… I love your country… 🙂 you can see my address, so I’d be grateful and thankful for your help… good night and friendly hugs, Mélanie – Toulouse, France

  7. Looking for information on black currant dye mordants lead me to your site – I too have Fibromyalgia (a long time diagnosed). My husband’s ancestors are from Denmark and Sweden, mine from Germany, so will be reading more of your blog as time allows.

    1. Thank you Pete, I feel very fortunate to live in such a peaceful location. It sounds like we have a lot of interests in common btw. 🙂

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