Tidbit of the week

It all started out as an experiment in various painting techniques, using some old precut fiber boards lying around. Then, as we have awesome power tools, I thought I’d try making my own frames again, just to explore the option for oddly sized images.

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Another non-scarf experiment

“Hello, my name is Pia and I like to make weird things.”

I had completely forgotten this experiment that I did after the “dishtowel shawl“. But I guess it makes an excellent filler post while I’m busy with the 21 day painting challenge.

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For the next 21 days I’ll be participating in an “online community experience”, showing and talking about various aspects of painting. I’ll be writing up posts on my Paint blog as an addition to the FB group “Creative Fire”, so come on over! There is also a special Instagram tag for all the lovely images. #21daysinmyartworld

A huck adventure

– or the tale of a harebrained designer.

Everything went wrong that week. E v e r y t h i n g. You say you want the short version? A list, then – or better yet, why don’t we move along as if nothing has happened and just focus on the huck instead.

I have taken a perverse liking to reconstructing weave drafts from photos of interesting fabrics that I come across online. Some are no doubt the work of an individual designer and not prudent to be shared, others are most likely old and traditional, sitting in various books, a variation on a technique which nobody owns.

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All the colours

Now that I have a list of weaving projects (nearly)* all planned out for my first set of colours, I managed to break out the paints too.  🙂 I have no hopes of producing consistent work or get into a flow with such long breaks, but I’m not ready to give it up either. My brain just lights up with all the colours.


* because I keep second guessing my choices!