Inspirations 10

It’s been a while since we had one of these posts! In fact this has been sitting as a draft for a year today exactly. So I’ll release it into the wild with one newly found link as well as the ones I found last year.

Quirky woven baskets


Quirky New Chalk Characters

Plastered plants with a How To

Surreal creatures

Japanese spinning tops

How Thinking Like a Little Kid Can Keep You Sharp As You Age

As we get older, we focus more on specialized knowledge than broader learning. A new paper argues that’s slowing us down.

Well, I may be deluding myself of course, but I feel every bit as sharp as I did 30 years ago. If I needed to learn a new language for example, I’d assume I could just go ahead and do so. How about you?

Source: How Thinking Like a Little Kid Can Keep You Sharp As You Age — Science of Us

Crafting with kids

diy-painted-feathers-4I don’t have any and I’m actually not that keen, but I sometimes end up on websites describing projects that sound like fun, so I thought I’d share a few. Autumn holidays are soon to begin here, after that of course there’s all the other holidays coming up! I remember how nice it was to do little projects like this, must be even better these days when children are living in symbiosis with their computer…

Painted feathers

Sticker mandala

Fabric Twine

Painted sticks – use outdoors craft paints for use in the garden?

Pine cone decorations

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Dansk fiber blog

Jeg har leget med tanken om at sætte en dansk blog op sammen med en lille netbutik til mit overskudslager. Det bliver ikke en kopi af denne blog med alt mellem himmel og jord, den vil heller ikke blive opdateret så ofte med mindre det vælter ind med brugere(!).

Det hele ligger lokalt på vores egen server som et lille eksperiment, så svartiden er måske ikke hvad man er vant til ude på det store WWW, vi ved det ikke! Så jeg inviterer hermed til test og feedback:

Egentlig ville jeg vente med annonceringen til der lå lidt mere indhold, men så sker der det ene, og det andet og tiden går, og så får jeg heller ikke lagt noget på fordi jeg jo ved at der ikke er nogen som ser det.

Så nu ser vi!

uk This is an announcement of my new Danish website with a small shop for surplus production. You’re welcome to have a look, but I won’t be translating it. Possibly I’ll put up stuff for sale in here as well unless it grows enough to reopen my Etsy store. Any suggestions on that front? (when I began the draft for this post I probably knew what I meant by that question, now I don’t, but I’m going to leave it in case somebody else does)



Panels 2 – Patchwork t-shirts 1

Again, why go to all this trouble for old dingy t-shirts? A: for the learning experience, B: budget, C: I have a fairly good idea what types of clothes I’d like to wear, but I never see them in shops; if I do they rarely fit in all places at once and it’s way too expensive if you’re expanding too fast. So I’m hoping if I keep at it I might actually – eventually – be able to put into the world the things that are simmering in my head. In the meantime I always need clothes to paint in, clean barn in, being kneaded by cats in etc. and it makes me feel better if they start out dingy so that I haven’t ruined them when the first stain appears.

Continue reading “Panels 2 – Patchwork t-shirts 1”