Calendar’s end

poinsettia1 We’re getting close to turning a new leaf again and I haven’t been talking much lately because I had a feeling everybody was making busy for the holidays and gearing their minds towards elves, reindeer, cookies and eggnogg. I hope you had some time to actually relax as well, not just dashing from one meal to the next with crowds of noisy relatives and cranky kids.   😉

No rush at the cottage, I’ve been weaving my towels, just finished the last one of the batch yesterday, so I better get cracking with the band also. I had a full blown cold last week, the first one I can remember for years and years; I guess it had to happen at some point. Ginger and elderberry tonic for the win! We had to do some xmas shopping with the rest, because everything is closed for 3 days, but luckily it wasn’t too crowded and I got to pick up my sewing machine from service too. I feel horrible and exhausted if I eat too much, especially the endless combinations of fat, white carbs and sugar, it’s murder on my system. Love the taste, but it’s just not worth it, so we’ve been scaling down more and more each year.

I’ve been visiting everybody’s blogs with your advent messages, wintery images – tea and snot rag in hand, thanks for entertaining me! We had a blustery, muddy xmas ourselves, so I’m afraid my own camera has been put away lately. I’m hoping January will be more wintery, it usually is our coldest month. But there are no rules here, you have to go further north for snow to be an annual event.

Storms however are more frequent, another one passing last night, this time named for one of the Norns of myth, Urd (Wyrd). No damage to the roofs this time, horses inside before they went bonkers, and I remembered to prevent flying garden chairs too. But I have a hard time sleeping for the noise, so I was up reading a bit. Well, not up as such, in my warm bed, undercover.

kristin-marja-baldursdottir-2010-gyldendal-pocket-karitas-kaos-paa-laerred-bog ← Unfortunately and strangely this book has not been published in English. It’s always nice to read about a character every bit as ornery as yourself, makes you feel just a tiny bit understood and even justified.   😉

I’ve also got a couple books on dreaming by Robert Moss, because there is such a wealth of weirdness going on at night, I always felt I ought to do something with it! But not so much “if you dream about snakes with their teeth falling out it means you will meet a tall dark stranger before dinner on Saturday”, never mind that kind of rubbish.

My dreams make “Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency”, which we just watched on Netflix (new story, not adapted from the books by Douglas Adams), seem quite ordinary and just a tiny bit silly… The problem is, I can’t describe them in language when I wake up. There’s less blood thank goodness.

Anyway, I know I’ve promised on multiple occasions that I didn’t really have any more to say to this blog and then I proceed to write up a storm. For now, however, I think I can safely say I don’t have anything worthwhile to tell you for the rest of the year. Have a good party and send up some fireworks for me. (they make my ears go Binnng! so I don’t. Also, many pets are scared senseless which is an even higher priority for me.)

Working on my pattern sampler, various tile drafts and some poinsettia variations I scaled down from 16 to 12 shafts.

10 thoughts on “Calendar’s end

    1. I’m still spending much of my time keeping sinus cavities clear, so I’m pretty content that I don’t have any obligations to sit straight playing dress up. 😉 Right now I seem to be content just waiting for the washing cycle with my towels to finish!

  1. Din prøve minder mig om en nederdel, jeg havde engang. Godt at I kom helskindede gennem stormen, der skete heller ikke noget heroppe – bortset fra en masse støj.
    Vi “ses” til næste Ã¥r hÃ¥ber jeg.

  2. Your dreams sound as entertaining as mine. Glad you hung on during the storm and Happy New Year. Look forward to continuing to follow you. I really* like that towel on the bottom left of the two pics side by side.

    1. It’s like going to the movies all night. Makes you question the concept of reality, if your brain can concoct something so different every time you shut your eyes.

      The towels just got tumble dried, ready for hemming – but G emptied the drier, so I haven’t yet seen how the fabric turned out! I wonder how much 3D effect I’ve achieved.

  3. All the best for the year ahead – good health, new ideas and time to work on your projects, loads of joyful moments and happy pets! K. xxx

    P.S. I’m also looking forward to January and hoping it will bring real cold and wintery scenery.

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