

First blanket off the floor loom. I finished this about 6 weeks ago, but haven’t had a lot to say about it, also didn’t take a final shot. I totally suck at product photography, I just can’t find the right locations or props. But anyway, here it is, out of my hair and my draft list.

Yarn didn’t full at all, which leaves the mid seam really visible. Of course I need to improve my hand sewing, but still. Also, it’s much thinner than I was led to believe it would be – not what I had in mind. So I’m looking for much heavier yarns for future blankets (apart from the one I already wound the warp for ages ago from ugly sock yarn)

I am however pleased that I changed my mind about using the plant dyed yarns and went for the green weft instead – I have a new project waiting for those colourful bobbins.

It’s been a while since I’ve touched the loom at all, I hope to gain some go eventually.

Data: yarn 6/2 wool, sett 60/10 (15 epi). The basket weave is a bit looser in structure than the twill, which I find quite interesting, worth noting for later.

On a different note, I’ve had problems loading the blog for the last 3-4 days, anyone else? It appears to be the little icons (gravatars) in particular, but also the galleries look weird and stacked until it’s all done. It’s really annoying since it blocks my menu for reader and dashboard, so I wondered if it was me or everybody. Only website that does this!

14 thoughts on “Blankety

  1. Det ser dejligt tæppe-agtigt ud til kølige dage med en god bog pÃ¥ terrassen. Det minder mig ogsÃ¥ om en adelsdames kjole – sær association, men det er man jo ikke herre over. Din blog opfører sig lige sÃ¥ erratisk, som den altid har gjort, men lige det der nummer har jeg ikke grebet den i. Dertil skal siges at jeg har zoomet godt ind, sÃ¥ mÃ¥ske lægger jeg bare ikke mærke til den slags …

    1. Ja, det folder/draperer fint, modsat tykke tæpper som måske er lidt stive.

      Det er sikkert fint over fodenden på sengen om vinteren (jeg skal helst have frisk luft året rundt)

  2. The blanket is beautiful, and I enjoyed your use of what look like pallets or otherwise artfully stacked wood as a backdrop. 😉

    I’ve had that weird photo-stack business on here before. Makes it impossible to draft or publish properly. It’s been ok this week for me, though. Who knows.

    1. It’s weird that I’m the only one. Every single wp site I visit takes perhaps 10 min to load all the gravatars, blocking all other functions. Especially replying. ( does seem to have issues). So I think this is blocking the Jetpack app that wp uses for the gallery, but of course they ignore my reports. I have no problems on other websites!

    1. Thanks: 🙂 Leo likes anything I’m working on with string – but yeah, wool blankets seem to be extra popular! (and thus, extra hairy…)

  3. Hi Pia, your blanket is beautiful! One of my favourite colours, and well-photographed with the contrasting textures and the complimentary colour scheme. So inviting and autumnal.

    I”ve been noticing slow loading lately, but I thought it was because I had changed my theme. Haven’t noticed any weird stacking issues.

  4. Pia the blanket looks lovely, but blue is my favourite colour and it looks so nice next to the autumn leaves,
    I’ve not been blogging or reading for a couple of weeks but now I’ve started again, so far, so good, hope you get the problem sorted soon, Frances

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