At the knick knack shop

Daft me didn’t even consider making this a blog post until the day after, so I won’t be showing you any pix from the actual shop of all the things I didn’t buy.

We have in DK a chain of shops that are a little nicer than your average dollar store with plastic and glitter doodads. They specialize in baskets, glassware, notebooks, well, lots of things, but their displays are just cosier with wooden crates and things arranged nicely. They want to look more like an old fashioned shop with candy in glass jars and brown paper bags.

We went to get some specific tea and while I’m pretty good at keeping my hands in my pockets most days I did come home with a little pile of items after all. Teeny tiny canvasses and a mini version of a toy I had as a kid. (I have a love for baskets – and no, I don’t really need every cute one that I see, so none of those)


A few things for making marks and texture – no craft paints as I could see, only their crummy brand of acrylics.


Something to drink, and the paper bag goes to gathering weld seeds which are as tiny as poppy seeds.

gardensunday weld_drying

And that’s all for now folks, after attending a birthday on the same day, then getting back at 9 pm to a pile of 100 straw bales on the lawn, to be put inside before the storm and rain that hit in the night, I’m utterly spent this Sunday and will be taking my day of rest. Now, if only the neighbour would be done test shooting his rifles so I can read outside?


4 thoughts on “At the knick knack shop

  1. Jeg kommer også altid hjem med underlige dimser og dutter derfra. Nogen gange er det rent guld andre gange slet ikke.
    Jeg hÃ¥ber, du hvilede godt i regnen og nød solen trods sliddet – gratis fitnes 😉

    1. fitness kl 22 efter shopping, sniksnak og en halv flaske rosevin er mÃ¥ske lige i overkanten, men min lænd er da blevet brugt grundigt skal jeg hilse at sige. 😉

      Hvepsene gik efter min saft og så blev det torden, så ja, det blev en eftermiddag på sofaen med vinduet på klem til lyden af regn.

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