Another splurge

Did a real live yarn shopping trip to the village to see if they had a bargain I could use for felted cat beds. So I ended up with this lot too, for another of those sweater dresses I like to use around the house in winter. I was actually looking for something neutral, but there wasn’t any just right in the perfect fiber and thickness. I didn’t want anything with tiny needles to take me 4 years of knitting!


And in the 2 kr. ($0.37 / €0.27 / £ 0.22) button tray I found these, which I think could become tapestry bobbins when glued to a dowel.


Last, but not least, I bought this really silly yarn for some kind of trim or Saori weaving. Or whatever. You know, the colour thing. Texture.


12 thoughts on “Another splurge

    1. I have no idea what it will become. In fact I have a whole box of odd and whimsical yarn! Some day I’ll pretend I’m in kindergarten and haul it all out to play.

  1. Du har da vist en god garnforretning i nærmeste købstad. Tillykke med nyanskaffelserne. Det første garn har nogle meget spændende farver. Det bliver spændende at se, hvad det bliver til og hvordan de ser ud i strikket tilstand.

    1. Det er “farveskiftegarn” fra Hjelholdt spinderi, det skulle have nogen meget glidende overgange mellem farverne. Det er dog lidt tyndere end beregnet, jeg sÃ¥ først pÃ¥ etiketten senere, som siger pinde 5, i butikken sagde hun 6-7. Vi mÃ¥ se om jeg gider, eller om der skal en følgetrÃ¥d pÃ¥.

  2. I’d like to see the sweater dresses you are telling us about? Your yarns are lovely and I’m sure you will soon find something interesting to make with them.

  3. How funny. I’m using up some of my bits of home spun and spinning the “fiber sandwich” while knitting a cat bed for my daughter’s cat. I”ll be posting it on the blog when done. It’s about halfway finished. Can’t wait to see your finished product.

    1. This is not for cat beds however, I got some really fat wool for that. I simply love my handspun too much and I’ve come to realize how much of the plant dyed I use for one tightly felted blanket, so I didn’t want to use all of that either. Looking forward to seeing yours!

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