7 in 7 b/w recap

My artsy friend Tracy asked me to participate in a 7 day black and white photo challenge, but since I don’t see most you on IG or FB here’s a rerun of my 7 photos.

One impression from each day, no comments, no people. It was quite fun to compose without colour again, something I haven’t done much since the days when I had my own darkroom. In fact it was rather limiting to post ONLY one every day, so I meant to keep going, but well, as my previous post stated – didn’t happen.

8 thoughts on “7 in 7 b/w recap

  1. Nice pictures, thanks for sharing them here! I’m on IG and FB but don’t do them much..

    I’m curious about the one showing the inside of a machine (is that a gamer pc or a server or ..?). Funny, I had a somewhat similar one myself. If I see well, the bit on the top left may be a heat sink? How did you come to choose that image? Very intriguing 🙂

    1. It’s the inside of my new PC, with water cooled CPU. It’s very fancy with a glass side and disco lights with a remote!!! (luckily it also has an off switch) No more drinking too much coffee while waiting for Photoshop to run a filter….

      The string of images represent a moment in my days of that week, and I simply wanted to show different aspects. 🙂

    1. The new ladder to my studio – so nice. Just need to finish installing the hand rail at the top, as it’s still a bit steep compared to a full staircase. But this was the best we could do with doors at both ends. Just the conversion to flat steps is a major improvement.

  2. Fantastiske billeder. Minder mig om den der setting pÃ¥ kameraet med SH + 1 farve. Den var sjov at lege med- Det første billede er ikke helt sort-hvidt pÃ¥ min skærm 😉
    Er det stigen op til dit “legeland”?

    1. Ja, det er gamle og nye stige. “Stairway to Heaven” haha. Og du har set fuldstændig rigtigt, jeg kunne ikke nænne at det flotte mørkerøde blad skulle være helt grÃ¥. Jeg laver ændringerne pÃ¥ computeren og aldrig i kameraet, pÃ¥ den mÃ¥de kan jeg fÃ¥ uendelige variationer pÃ¥ en basis original.

  3. I love the pictures. Black and white photos provide an opportunity for the mind to visualize and helps the imagination thrive.

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