Tumeny words


I’m painting today and I’m determined to keep at it even if there are loud phone conversations upstairs, lunch requests and various pet related incidents. I started out with something easy, filling in the poppy shapes I did months ago (I think I’m going to have a look at real poppies before I move on 😉 ), but I also want to get a sketch done which has lived in my head for a long time. I bet it’s blocking the way for others!

sketchWhy am I persisting with a medium that seems so difficult for me? (not new, I did paint quite a lot many years ago) I actually wrote a 3000 word blog post on that over the weekend, it’s not even done yet and I don’t think I’ll ever publish it. But the short version is: A because it keeps knocking, B that I suspect the things which are easy at first may not be the ones where you ultimately excel, and C I have to get over my story of how I need perfect surroundings before I can begin. At the very least I should tell it differently.

See, in just over 200 words! That was some kickass editing if you ask me.

Right, egg sandwiches done and on my part eaten, back to work. While waiting for the others to dry I’ve hauled out one of the used canvasses I “inherited”. At first I tried to work with the lines and colour there, but it’s not working even if I see some kind of forest scene in my head. But nevermind, today’s exercise is simply: keep at it. That’s my only ambition. All day, only the necessary breaks when somebody is either hungry or needs to pee. After all, it’s not Molly’s fault that I’m an idjit. (‘m allowed to blog while I eat egg sandwiches)

I think I may have answered my colour question from last week. I keep wanting to mix in clean colours with the black and olive, I even happily dipped away in phtalo blue when I thought I’d reached for the ultramarine…

9 thoughts on “Tumeny words

  1. Seje farver. Valmuer er bare sÃ¥ flotte 😀 Lad os hÃ¥be at din have bliver fuld af smukke modeller til sommer. Det andet er sÃ¥dan Ringenes Herre-agtigt, indgangen til en fortryllet skov eller Morias miner. Din trang til klare farver midt i mørket er ogsÃ¥ meget elveragtig.

    1. Jeg har nok faktisk hang til en snert af fantasy, nÃ¥r jeg maler! Jeg fik ogsÃ¥ lige overmalet en af hendes “hængeplanter i vindueskarm” med noget hvid, turkisblÃ¥ og orange, sÃ¥ mÃ¥ vi se hvad det hele udvikler sig til, om jeg bare er blevet abstrakt! Mit problem har altid været at nÃ¥r jeg maler noget, som forestiller noget, sÃ¥ bliver det for stramt, jeg skal lære at være lidt mere løs i hÃ¥ndleddet, sÃ¥ det ikke ender med at være livløst og stivnet.

  2. Pia, I like the way the poppy canvas is progressing, I’ve often asked why I persist at drawing and painting and it’s like you say it keeps knocking, Frances

  3. That’s so familiar – “the necessary breaks when somebody is either hungry or needs to pee” 🙂 Don’t give up! I want to see the end result as soon as possible. K. x

    1. Actually today I’m trying to look at horse pix for sketches. I can feel myself really stalling once I’m past the kindergarten stage of just making splatters! I need to push against that wall a bit to move on I think.

  4. The poppies are really beautiful! The olive painting has such ambiance right now, love the colors in both. Excited to see more too!

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