The last colour

Autumn is fading and I’ve been trying to get to terms with my phone when out on walks to capture colour inspirations. Carrying a better camera is not always practical, but I must admit I was itching to haul these through Photoshop to try to save a bit of dignity!

How do you feel about the quality of your phone images, especially in really dark weather? Do you use only your phone? Do you instagram? I’m cheating a bit since I only have wifi on it, so I can’t actually “instapost”.

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#forestwalk #autumnleaves

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#forestwalk #autumnleaves

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9 thoughts on “The last colour

  1. Jeg synes – som altid – at dine billeder er totalt flotte. Jeg har hverken Instagram eller en mobil, der kan tage billeder, sÃ¥ der kan jeg ikke rigtigt udtale mig. Til gengæld har jeg næsten altid mit kamera i lommen, og jeg redigerer ofte mine billeder fra kameraet, fordi farverne (især grønne) er ved siden af.

    1. Tak. 🙂 Jeg har lÃ¥nt den her fon fordi min egen mistede talegaverne, og sÃ¥ kan man jo ligesÃ¥ godt lege lidt. Men jeg synes de er lidt for grynede til min smag, mÃ¥ske det ses endnu tydeligere her pÃ¥ min fine prof skærm.

  2. I carry a “pay as you go” phone, hate the darn things period but need because of the DogFaced Girl and i walking everywhere–i drag my good BIG camera with me, and would anyways even with a “proper” phone, as the end result is much better on a real camera. i still like these though 🙂 All we have is white now!

    1. Right now it’s tempting to predict another green winter here as last year, but the 3 years before that were long and harsh, so it’s really a matter of just waiting to see what you get. Haven’t even changed tires yet.

  3. The phone camera is very limited in its abilities to do what I ask it to do. Especially if it’s not sunny enough, or too sunny, or any other weather or indoor lighting combination that it deems unworthy of its Androidness. Which is pretty much everything. Husband just unpacked my old little digital camera, and as soon as I find the battery charger, I’ll be a happy camper.

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