Colour explosion

I went to my LYS the other day to ask for the Addi Click Heartstoppers I’d ordered (not there yet) and to get a couple of black skeins of the yarn I’m using for my hexagon blanket, since I’ve now decided on a stained glass effect with the edges. (fwiw, does anyone have a clue why my edges make the hexagons skewed? I count and I count to get the increases at proper intervals, testing 1 more or less stitch when I start, they’re all the same. It’s driving me nuts with this black yarn)


Only this brand has come out with new colours. Sitting on her desk as I was waiting. So I had to take one of each (well, not quite, I left the pink one behind), just so I could keep them to look at. Really, I have no idea what to make of them. They are SW extra fine merino, so technically they are wearable, but they’re also not very elastic so I doubt they’d make a great hat. Shawl-scarf?


I wanted to test cochineal – which I’ve never used before – over yellow to see if that made orange (it doesn’t), so used a couple of small goldenrod hanks I just dyed. And since my small items scales are wonky, I used far too much cochineal, so I ended up dyeing 3 larger hanks as well as some silk. Whoa! My eyes hurt! I wonder if they’ll turn purple in indigo…. I have a somewhat 20 skein experiment lined up, but that will be later. It’s a grey day today, trust me, the colour is even more vibrant up close and personal!


Farveorgie i pinkdanish

Jeg var bare nede i garnbutikken for at spørge til de Addi Click hjertestoppere jeg har bestilt og for at hente lidt sort Arwetta til kanterne på mit hexitæppe. Og så havde hun lige så uskyldigt lagt nye farver frem på sin disk, som jeg var nødt til at tage med hjem! (pånær den i pink) Nej, nej, hun vidste ikke jeg kom, det var helt tilfældigt.

Pink har vi fået nok af denne uge, jeg havde spekuleret på, hvordan gult ville se ud overfarvet med cochenille, bliver det mon orange? (nej, det gør det ikke) Men jeg havde fået vejet for meget af, fordi min mini-vægt er lidt i udu, så jeg endte med at farve 3 fed mere + lidt silke, og det er da lige før man får ondt i øjnene! Jeg spekulerer nu på om de bliver lilla, hvis man overfarver med indigo. Jeg har et større eksperiment linet op med de små biller, men det bliver senere.

1/3 gone

This month seems hellbent on getting done! Ok, a third sounds a bit more than just over a week somehow, but still. Not sure I’ll be able to keep up!

So it’s not Wednesday for wips and reading, but here at the cottage it’s Fiber Friday, so there.

This is what I’ve got home from the library this month and my still not very advanced holey sweater. I think I’m getting to the beginning of the end of the first two skeins, though.


I managed to dye a bit with Japanese Indigo today, not a lot as my plants were pretty limp from the drought. I would like to do a couple of really dark blue, as well as remember to bring my silk outside too. If nature doesn’t water the garden soon I guess I’ll have to!


I also washed a tiny bit of fleece, the green stuff from the other day. Seems to have cleaned up well enough!


The weather forecast says this might be one of the last sunny, warm days. The coreopsis is running amock, there’s no way I can pick all of them!


Getting it right

I mentioned in a previous post, that some of my dye samples for hexiflats turned out muddled and blended compared to what I had in mind. Especially these two:


So although I like them the way they are, I had another go, nuking the green for a minute in the microwave, THEN adding the “flowers”. You see, what I had in mind was 1. a lawn of dandelions and 2. rosehip bushes in bloom*. The dandelions are still not very obvious, but the other skein showed more promise. Little dots for flowers.


Voila! All knit up. Sorry about the cat hairs, our stupid barn cat managed to sleep on them even though I’d propped up the blocking mat vertically on top of 2 knitting baskets. She’ll try to lie on anything I’ve touched, even a hand sized notebook. Seriously disturbed creature. 😉


I also wanted to show the knitted skeins I made to test out the “cloud colourway”.



I really like the first one, with a bit of effort you can actually see a blue sky with clouds?


And lastly, a picture of the other crazy hexagons I’ve been making lately, so different from when I started out making mini-skeins. I’m not sure I’ll be using all of these, but it’s a long way to 300 pieces, so things can change. I seem to like the yarn better than the fabric for some reason.


* I humbly apologize for the use of the words flower, bloom, dandelion and rose although I promised yesterday I would not.

My next knitting project is a hopefully quick summer sweater, completely see-through just to cover my goosebumps when the evening wind gets a bit nippy. I’ve had the yarn lying around for years, there’s really just enough for a t-shirt on normal size needles, but I hope for sleeves. As usual I’m making it up as I go along, I have no idea how the yarn will behave, so the “quick” could end up as frogging x 20.



Jeg eksperimenterer videre med mine microgarnnøgler til det magiske sekskanttæppe. 😉

Der var et par bundter sidst, som ikke helt blev som jeg planlagde, farverne rendte sammen og blev lidt mudrede inden de nåede at fiksere. Så jeg prøvede igen, malede grønt på først, en tur i mikroovnen, male “blomsterpletter” og så en tur i varmen igen. Det ene nøgle blev ok, det andet blev ca. ligesom det foregående.

Jeg fik også strikket mine sky-bundter, jeg synes det første blev ret godt!?

Jeg kan af en eller anden grund bedre lide garnet end det strikkede stof, så jeg ved ikke helt om alle stumperne bliver brugt i tæppet. På den anden side er der jo lang vej til 300, så meget kan ændre sig. Jeg forsøger at huske på at det er processen, at slappe af og lege og ikke planlægge eller designe noget.

Der er kattehår på mine billeder – vores tåbelige gamle staldkat lykkedes med at sove på sekskanterne, selvom jeg havde stablet udspændingsmåtten lodret på toppen af en bunke strikkekurve. Hun har en sær trang til at ligge på alt jeg har rørt ved, om det så er en A6 huskeblok.

Mit næste projekt skulle gerne være en meget hurtig sommertrøje på store pinde. Garnet har jeg haft liggende i 3 år, der er egentlig kun nok til en t-shirt, men nu ser jeg om ikke den kan blive langærmet. Den bliver gennemsigtig, men den skal kun lige danne lidt barriere når vinden bliver en smule køligere en sommeraften, jeg sidder let og får gåsehud selvom temperaturen egentlig er ok. Det er frit fra leveren som sædvanlig, så det med “hurtig” kan nemt ende med 20 omstrikninger….. Isager bomuld/hør, og jeg aner ikke hvordan det opfører sig før og efter vask og i brug osv.

No tour

I’m not doing Tour de Fleece, in fact I haven’t been spinning at all lately. I do have a few yarny things going on though. Working on little things, a bit at a time, since my good days are still spent in the garden mostly, and then I have days where I can barely keep my eyes open. Hexagons are excellent projects for such days, takes no time to knit up 3 g/ 7 m of yarn, but you still feel like you’ve made something.

The Sunday batch

Dyed a few more micro skeins for the hexiflats and knit up the ones I showed on Sunday. Some of the solids I didn’t like because I used too much dye, so I’ll reknit combining them with other colours and scraps. Even if it’s a random, messy blanket I do want to like each piece that I put into it! I’ve figured that for starters I’ll need something like 250, but then I’ve only done the sum in my head and I really suck at that. It’s going to be roundish/hexagonish in shape or something along those lines.

I couldn’t find my dye notes, so I just played around (again), aiming for a summer flowers vs. beach ball look. Ok, I made that up after I saw the skeins… I also did a few “ok, if 4 sections look like this on a 1 meter skein when knit up, what do 4 sections on a half meter skein look like knit up?” Perhaps I’ll even document the result for later use. Some of them were supposed to be more defined, but the colours bled and blended. Oh well…


And then I had leftover blue, so I thought I’d start a sky/cloud series for later use in various combinations. All sorts of possible scenarios there, morning skies, winter skyes, rainy skies, storm, sunset…

There’s cobalt, ultramarine and teal in this collection, but microcamera can’t see the difference.

I also restarted knitting the lace scarf for my mum – and since I need the leftover yarn for something else I really should get it done, so I know HOW much I’ll have left. I cast on in December, then husband had vacation and could not stop talking while I was counting and I simply didn’t get back to it…. I don’t really wear this type of thing myself, but she’s much more ladylike.


I’ve been dyeing cotton yarn and worked a bit with madder – more about that in a later post.


I also do have some spinning planned, but some blending needs to be done first. This is an old project, and I know I need to make certain yarns together, I just don’t know what they’re for.

red indigo silk2 silk1 blue purple

I just borrowed Spin Art by Jacey Boggs, lovely book, pretty photos and very simple, clear instructions for making the basic art yarn techniques, in fact you feel like you’re quite able just reading it! So inspired by that as well as the Spinner’s Book of Yarn Designs by Sarah Anderson which I received some time ago, that may well be my next project once I get this one done. I’d love to make some projects with really textured yarn blended in I think.

And last but not least, I’m making a couple of tapestry looms a bit larger than the small sample frame I did. I seem to be coming up with too many ideas that contain blue and I don’t HAVE any blue yarn just now, not plant dyed, nor commercial (Which is odd since I love blue. And green. And, well, all the others of course). It’s a good thing tapestries take something like forever to make, because I can’t afford yarn to make that many! I keep falling in love with different colour combos and getting ideas for using them. Yes, I should paint more, much faster. Water colour sketches would be great, but that means I’ll have to buy watercolours!!! LOL It just never ends, does it.


Fiber foolery

I wasn’t going to do Fiber Friday this week, just because, but then as I was mordanting more yarn, I got to thinking: Will the metals in mordants affect acid dye in any way?

When it comes to alum, no, apparently not. Tin however, is a slightly different matter (left):


Whereupon I promptly overdyed all three hanks just a little bit:
